✨ Hate and Love at First Sight ✨ #2

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Ignore my mistakes plz....


No one's Pov

" So he is Jimin hyung'a brother " Jungkook asked Namjoon who nodded his head " Yes, and Soomi Noona's son " Jungkook looks at Taehyung, who was smiling widely " How sweet " Jungkook said and looks away sighing " You know when Jin used to talk about you, I thought You will be like 13 or 11 " Jungkook giggled and shakes his head.

" I am 19 " Jungkook said to him who smiled...they talked and took many pictures, Taehyung stayed silent just staring at them " Pink really suits you " Namjoon said to Jungkook who gives him his bunny smile " Every color looks good on him " Taehyung said in a dreamy tone making Jungkook confused and Namjoon chuckle.

Taehyung hearing Namjoon's silent chuckle, mentally facepalmed " I-I mean unfortunately " Taehyung said to them " Of course " Jungkook said with a fake smile " Taehyung can up leave us alone I want to ask about Jinssi " Namjoon politely said to Taehyung who smirked " Namjoonie I see kissy kissy " Jungkook rolled his eyes.

" This annoying mosquito " He mumbled, Namjoon scoffed " For God sake I am your uncle " Namjoon said pouting, Taehyung laughed and went out... Jungkook shakes his head " So How was he " Namjoon asked him smiling, who smiled back " He was happy, at the same time scared " Jungkook explained to him.

After sometime, Soomi, along with Mrs Jeon, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook was sitting together eating dinner, Jungkook was sitting in front of Taehyung, between Namjoon and Mrs Jeon " I really love my son, and I even won't let him marry " Mrs Jeon said, indicating to Jungkook, who was feeling embrraced about the whole conversation.

Taehyung looks at her gulping " What if someone likes him and he likes him back?" Taehyung asked Mrs Jeon, Jungkook rolled his eyes, Namjoon and Soomi laughed silently " What to you mean by that?" Mrs Jeon asked him in a soft tone " I mean suppose I like him and want to marry him " Jungkook choked and starts to cough aggressively.

Namjoon and Soomi offered him some water who thanked them, Taehyung looks at Namjoon nervously who sighed shaking his head...The day went by now it was finally time Jungkook and Mrs Jeon to leave, Jimin was suppose to drop both Jungkook and Mrs Jeon but Taehyung decided to tail along " Would you like to eat some ice cream ?"

Jimin asked Jungkook who shakes his head with a smile " Offer him some chocolates, he will differently say yes " Taehyung said glancing at the mirror to see Jungkook's reaction, who glared at him making Taehyung chuckle " Seems like you know a lot about Jungkook, Taehyung?" Mrs Jeon asked him, who nodded.

" Every little thing " Taehyung said to her, Who smirked glancing at Jungkook who noticed and shakes his head " Okay let's have a little test, I will ask you questions related to Jungkook and you will answer them " Taehyung nodded confidently..... Jungkook pouts looking out of the window, for the first time feeling embrraced about his childish mother.

( no offense I love my mother, and next will be all answer related to my like and dislikes )

" His favorite color? " Mrs Jeon asked " Purple and Blue " Taehyung said without any hesitation " Favourite food?" She asked him again.

" Sweet dishes, especially cake and chocolates "

" Places he wants to visit "

" K- wait, Italy and Japan "

" Favourite music band?"

" Bts of course he is obsessed "

Taehyung chuckled receiving a glare from Jungkook, Mrs Jeon noticing something while Jimin driving silently "

" His celebrity crush?"

" Girl, Emma Watson and Male Tom Felton, But don't you think I am more handsome than Tom Felton " Taehyung asked him, Jungkook shakes his head with a fake smile " Last question, His fear " Mrs Jeon asked him,who looks at Taehyung " Fear of lossing friends and family " Jungkook looks at him.

Indeed, after Jungkook's father divorced Mrs Jeon,lossing his father...he was scared of lossing his dear ones...after sometime Jimin stopped the car before Jungkook's house, Mrs Jeon invited him in " Give me your number " Taehyung looks at Jungkook surprised " We have been friends for years and you don't have my number "

Taehyung said dramatically, making Jungkook roll his eyes " Who said we are friends " Jungkook said to him who smirked " Than we are lovers " Jungkook wide his eyes and hit his head, who whined " Idiot " Jungkook said making Taehyung pout and silently give him his phone number.

The End

Sorry for short

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

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