My Best Friend 💕 My love

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How they look

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV

My name is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung...I am 22 years I am from Daegu...But now I am in Seoul for my dream, I love dancing and singing so I am here in Bighit hi to learn about music.

My life is boring...but in this life I have My koo,My best friend Jeon Jungkook...I know him since I was 18 years old and he was 15,he lives back with my mom in Daegu...His family kicked him out of the house because they thought he was a burden for them..

He have me and my mom....about my father,last year he died in an car accident....

Jungkook I love him, because of him I'm here in Seoul....he wants me to became a famous singer, I didn't see him for almost three years...

But today I'm going back to Daegu to meet my mom and My koo...I was thinking about him when my mobile start ringing....

"Hello, Mom...How are you?"I asked her " I'm fine...How are you...and where are you why is it so loud nosies there" btw they don't know I'm going to visit them...I want to surprise them.

"Nothing mom, Just students....ok mom I have to go talk to you later, love you " before she could response to me I cut the call...

Time skip

It was 4:30pm when I arrived home....I took a deep breath and i ring the bell

DING DONG (Jungkook's voice)

After few seconds the door open...I was mom ,she looked at me surprised and the hug me ,also cried a little

I get inside the house...."How did you got here..what about your studies an.."

"Mom don't worry , I will be fine... don't worry about college" I told her ...she nodded at me and smiled
"Mom, Where is Koo...I didn't see him anywhere" I asked her as I want to see him, hug him and want to told him how much I missed him these years..

"Kookie, oh ...he is out at his job..he will be back after an hour "mom replied...WHAT JOB,I was shocked that he is doing a job

"Let me call he will come home now"mom said

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