My Workholic Husband 😤

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Idk know if it's save for fasting person or not but it's better you read this after your fast


No one's Pov

" Hubby~ " Jungkook sang entering into his husband's home office, he sighed seeing his husband working...he sighed and stood behind him " Hubby~ " Jungkook whined, Taehyung hummed without looking at Jungkook, who huffed " It's Sunday and you are working again!" Jungkook said to him, pouting.

" It's important petal " Taehyung said, eyes glued to his laptop, Jungkook rolled his eyes " At least you can turn on the lights! But it looks like my hubby is a vampire " Jungkook said pouting once again, folding his arms against his chest... Jungkook whined when Taehyung ignored him.

" Why are you silent now!" Jungkook said to him, who shook his head " Let me finish this Petal " Taehyung calmly said to him, Jungkook lower his head sadly " You never cuddle me! No kisses! You should have married your work " Jungkook half yelled, but it didn't effected Taehyung....he was busy in his work.

Jungkook walked towards him and turned his chair around, he sat on you and warp his legs around Taehyung's waist and arms around his shoulder, Taehyung's eyes soften, he smiled and ruffles his hair " What happened?" Taehyung asked him, Jungkook peaks his lips " you ignored me " Jungkook mumbled.

Taehyung holds his waist " I didn't, just busy in work " Jungkook glared at him " Tell me when you are not?, You are ways busy in your work!" Jungkook said and hit his head, who whimpers, holding his head... Taehyung sighed and peck his head " Sorry, let me finish than I am all yours , you can hit me or do whatever you want " Taehyung said to him, squeezing his cheeks.

" but you are already mine, forever " Jungkook said with  pouty lips, Taehyung chuckled and give him a long peck " Your highness, can I work now?" Taehyung asked, fake pouting, Jungkook giggled " But I won't move from here " Jungkook said, Taehyung Chuckled " Whatever you say " Taehyung turned around his chair towards his laptop.

Jungkook hugs Taehyung's waist nuzzling his face in his neck, Taehyung warpped his left arm around Jungkook's waist pulling him closer, meanwhile working with the other.... Jungkook fell asleep snoring softly, Taehyung smiled and pats his head...he worked for sometime than decided to pick Jungkook up.

He went to their shared room and laid Jungkook on the bed, he laid beside him and hugged Jungkook close to himself... They both fell asleep, peacefully in each other's arms.

" Jungkook, Hey petal don't leave " Taehyung was running behind Jungkook who packed his bags and was walking towards the front door to leave " Don't touch me! Go Marry your work " He said yelled at him and get in the car, his best friend Yugyeom waiting for him.

" Your work is more important for you, just go and live with it " Jungkook said to Taehyung glaring, who was crying, Yugyeom drives away from there.

Taehyung opened his eyes, he sighed in relief knowing it was just a nightmare, but he panicked when he didn't saw Jungkook in his arms...He jolt up on the bed and rushed out of the room " Petal " Taehyung called running all around the house " Hubby! Stop yelling in the morning " He turned Around and saw Jungkook.

Who was drying with hair with a towel, Taehyung rushed to him and hugged him tightly, which made the towel to tell on the ground with a soft tug... Jungkook's feet was hanging a little up from the ground us Taehyung hugged him tightly " What happened?" Jungkook asked hugging him back.

" Nothing, Nothing " Taehyung whispered, tears filling his eyes....They pulled away from the hug when the bell rang " I will see " Taehyung said to him, pulling away from the hug... Jungkook nodded his head and rushed to kitchen to make breakfast for them,  Taehyung opened the door seeing Yugyeom standing there with a wide smile.

" Hello my best friend's husband " Taehyung rolled his eyes " Leave " Taehyung said and was about to close the door but Jungkook's voice stopped him " Hubby! Is that Yugyeom?" Taehyung sighed and opened the door for Yugyeom, who smirked teasingly and entered into the house.

" Don't make me break your teeth " Taehyung said to him, hitting the back of Yugyeom's head who whined " Yugyeom!" Jungkook was about to hug him but Taehyung pulled him back by his collar " What was that hubby?" Jungkook glance at him, who shrugged... Jungkook ignored him and went to make breakfast.

" Listen you chicken! Leave before I pull your each hair out of your head " Taehyung whispered to him, who gulped " Bye Jungkookie!" Yugyeom said and rushed out " Huh- but he just came " Jungkook frowns.... Taehyung walked towards him and warpped his arms around Jungkook's small figure.

" Ignore him, focus on me " Taehyung said to him, who giggled....While Jungkook was cooking, Taehyung was holding him tightly by his waist " Hubby, go sit there or what about your PRESIOUS work " Jungkook said and scoffed, Jungkook tries to move but Taehyung was making it difficult.

Turning off the stove, Taehyung picked up Jungkook and made him sat on the kitchen counter " What? " Before Jungkook could say something Taehyung pulled him into a kiss, he cupped Jungkook's face, who warpped his arms around Taehyung...moving his lips together with Taehyung..

Taehyung bites his lower lip but made Jungkook gasp, squeezing Jungkook's waist Taehyung slid his tounge into the younger's mouth " Oops-" They stopped and turned around seeing Yugyeom, smirking... Taehyung glared at him " I forget my phone " Yugyeom said picking his phone from the dinning table.

Jungkook blushed and his his face in the corner of Taehyung's shoulder " Wish I could block some people from my life " Taehyung whispered, Jungkook hit his chest softly " Okay Enjoy " Yugyeom said and ran away... Taehyung turned back to Jungkook " Let's continue...hmm?" Taehyung smirked picking Jungkook up in Bridle style.

" B-but your work " Jungkook said Taehyung huffed " Who cares, my petal is more important " Jungkook blushed... Taehyung laid him on the bed, hovering over him " USE PROTECTION BABIES!" They heard Yugyeom's voice from the window... Taehyung and Jungkook brusted into laughter.... Taehyung leaned down and captured Jungkook's lips once again.

The End

* Cough cough * Don't ask me how I wrote that

Seems like everyone loves my fluff and not angst ( i don't blame you hehe)

Favourite part?

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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