❣️ Anything for you ❣️ #2

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No one's Pov

" Why I hell are you throwing me out!" Jungkook and Taehyung stare
At the man who was being thrown out of the airplane " My seat is 22! Come on I have the ticket!" They heard, Jungkook frowns " His seat was right beside me " Jungkook pouts and glanced at Taehyung confused.

Who smiled at him awkwardly " Well Maybe his is fraud! But we can sit together now!" Taehyung said instantly changing the topic to avoid the topic, only if Jungkook knew it was all because of Taehyung the man was thrown away, Jungkook sighed and sat down on his seat.

" Are you really coming with me?" Jungkook asked glancing at the CEO Still not believing the fact the man was sitting beside him.... troubled with the seat belt... Jungkook giggled and helped the male with his seat belt... meanwhile Taehyung smiled slightly seeing the male too close to him.

Jungkook moved away and smiled at Taehyung.... Taehyung couldn't help but fall for the younger even more..

" So, are you really coming?" Jungkook asked, still not believing Taehyung was coming with him

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" So, are you really coming?" Jungkook asked, still not believing Taehyung was coming with him... Taehyung sighed heavily and looks at the male " Do you really think I'm joking sitting here when the plane is about to take off?" Jungkook pouts at him and plays with his fingers.

" Go back, you can't just leave your work like this?" Taehyung smiled slightly, He remembers the day when Jungkook told him ' I like those boys who love working ' and from that day... Taehyung worked hard and one of the reason his company is successful now... Because of his and his employee's hard work...and Jungkook's wishes.

Sometimes he really wonder, what would have happened if the younger wasn't there to talk to him....let's just stop here, it's his worse nightmare " baby, you know I can do anything for you " Jungkook blushed hearing that, the young CEO, his one sided love calling him baby, and ready to do anything.

" I'm not your boyfriend, why are you talking like this? " Taehyung smirked at him and leaned towards his ear... Jungkook felt his heart beat increasing feeling Taehyung's hot breath near his face " you will be my boyfriend soon " Taehyung whispered and placed a kiss on the male's ear, leaning back.

Taehyung smiled a little looking at Jungkook's shocked but then looked away.... Jungkook flusteredly looked away....The flight landed on Pairs...The air hostess looks at the two male Asleep, Jungkook was resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder while Taehyung on Jungkook's head.

" Sir " She tabbed on Taehyung's shoulder, who instantly opened his eyes and looks at the air hostess, who smiled at him politely " We have arrived " Taehyung slightly bowed his head...She walked away, Taehyung glance at Jungkook who was now also rubbing his eyes with fist making him chuckle.

••• Time Skip •••

••• Time Skip •••

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