Forgiveness 🥀

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No one's Pov

" Jungkook, please can't you see she loves you " another day of Taehyung and Jungkook arguing over Jungkook old friend...You can't balm Taehyung, who wouldn't feel bad seeing your boyfriend spending more time with someone else than you... completely ignoring your exists for just a friend.

Jungkook and Taehyung has been dating for 2 years by now... both of them were deeply in love...Both of them works in a same company... Jungkook is perfect in everything,and favourite of their boss...Girls like him...The reason why Taehyung is so insecure about himself.

" Tae, She is just like my sister...and you know I love you right?" Jungkook tries to calm him down but Taehyung he was at the edge of breaking down in front of his boyfriend because of his insecurities " Jungkook- " Before he could say something the door bell rang " It must be Maya " Jungkook said.

He made his way to the front door... ignoring Taehyung, who bites his lower lip holding back his tears...He went behind him seeing Jungkook being hugged by Maya, Jungkook's so called friend " I missed you my bunny " She said giving a smirk to Taehyung...who can easily understand.

He looked away from them " Let me grab my phone from room...than we will leave " Jungkook said to Maya...Today was their high school reunion, Not Taehyung' he stayed in another high school.... Taehyung went behind Jungkook " Baby please... Can't you just stay with me " Taehyung said in a pleading manner.

" Tae, I want to meet my old friends and thank my teachers...I can't sorry " Jungkook said giving him  sad eyes... Taehyung looked away from him..... Jungkook sighed and cupped Taehyung's face... giving him a sweet kiss " I love you, I made dinner don't forget to eat " Jungkook placed a last peck on his lips and walked out.

Taehyung stood inside the dark room, hating the silence....He fall down on the bed...thinking about all of things happening in the previous days made him even more insecure...he closed his eyes letting the tears fall freely from his eyes.....How could Jungkook do that to him, He was suppose to go with like they planed for months.

But when he met his so called friend Maya...He is slowly forgetting about Taehyung....How he went to reunion with Maya and not help... obviously Everyone will think They both are dating after all... Jungkook is the perfect guy who deserves someone better like Maya and not him....stopping all of the thoughts Taehyung fell asleep.

Jungkook entered into the house and locked the door behind him...He walked inside the house...his every step can he heard in the silent house..... Jungkook made his way to their shared room and saw Taehyung already asleep.... Jungkook smiled and bend down to place a small kiss on Taehyung's lips.

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