My pretty Lover

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

Read that second comment 🤣

Where Taehyung and Jungkook, friends since childhood both are deeply in love with each other, but never expressed...but still everyone calls them lovers

No one's Pov

" TaeTae" Taehyung secretly smiled hearing that sweet voice, that soothing voice " Yah! Stop " He stopped and turns around...he saw his pretty little best friend Jungkook running towards him with angry pout.

" You always do this to me, why can't you wait for me " Jungkook said to him, standing before him " you takes a lot of time " Jungkook huffed at his cold voice...but he knows Taehyung is like this, he used to be really sweet but after they starts college Taehyung turned cold.

" Forget it! Hug time!" Jungkook squealed and attacked Taehyung with a hug.... Taehyung whined but secretly he was smiling " Come on, hug me back " Jungkook mumbled nuzzling his head on Taehyung's neck... Taehyung smiled and hugged him back... closing his eyes.

" Yoo love birds, don't make others jealous in here " Jungkook and Taehyung pulled away looking at Jungkook's father, Chang wan and Taehyung's father John " Yeah~ I miss your mother " John said fake crying... Jungkook and Taehyung sighed.

" We are leaving " they said in sync, walking away leaving John and Chang wan alone " they are holding hands " John said, Chang wan huffed " I know I have eyes ".

" You will come to my tennis match right?" Jungkook asked Taehyung holding his hands, walking in hallway on college " I will try " Jungkook pouts and was about to say something but was cut off by bell ring " I will see you and your then!" Jungkook peck his cheeks and ran to his class... Taehyung smiled holding his cheek.

••• Time Skip •••

" Yoo, son in law...move " Chang wan said to Taehyung who sighed looking at them " What are you doing here?" Chang wan sat beside him " Can't I come to see my son's match " Taehyung rolled his eyes, and points at his father " and what about you?" John leaned back on his seat.

" He is my son in law, I want to cheer for him and also my other buddy is playing today too " John said indicating Jimin who was swaying his hips, old men drooling at him " HERE COMES MY PRETTY SON!" Chang wan yelled which made everyone flinch.

Except Taehyung, who was too lost looking at Jungkook " Here comes my Pretty lover " He thought eyes glued to Jungkook " you can say that out loud you know " John and Chang wan smirked at him, but he ignored them, the view in front of him is more important.

Except Taehyung, who was too lost looking at Jungkook " Here comes my Pretty lover " He thought eyes glued to Jungkook " you can say that out loud you know " John and Chang wan smirked at him, but he ignored them, the view in front of him is more ...

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Chang wan and John was continusally cheering for Jungkook, who was trying to ignore them... Taehyung was smiling all of the time, see him playing perfectly and wining...his cute little fluffy love was being too serious playing this game, he really live tennis and he can't lose.

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