❣️ CEO's love at first sight ❣️

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung was making his way towards a party organized by none other than his business rival Song Ji...it was really to attend your business rival's party...How could Taehyung resist when his rival himself invited him in his party.... Taehyung wanted to face him with courage.

Even it was jus success party... All over the Korea everyone knows who is the biggest successful business of Korea in this young age.... He made his way inside the party hall....his eyes falling all over the face.. all the reporters rushed towards Taehyung ignoring Song Ji which made Taehyung smirk at him.

After taking a small interview from Taehyung they leave him alone....Song Ji approached Taehyung with a cheeky smile " How shameless Mr Kim...you came to my party " Taehyung  chuckled hearing him " You invited me....how could I miss this chance " Taehyung said to him who stared at him in disbelief.

" Well If you are here now, enjoy the party " Song Ji said to him at which Taehyung gave him a slight nod with a smirk...Song Ji rolled his eyes and walked away, when he left Taehyung rolled his eyes back sighing " How boring " He mumbled and looks around the party....his eyes stopped at the certain person.

His eyes followed the man who was surviving the people in party

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His eyes followed the man who was surviving the people in party.... Taehyung made his way to him and grabbed a drink from his tray making an eye contact with the man " What's your name?" The man looks at him " Excuse me?" He asked him raising his one eyebrow.

" That's a quite weird name, isn't it?" Taehyung joked and chuckled making the other sigh " Please...many people already flirted with me...now I'm about to loss my mind and won't hesitate to break your nose " He said looking at Taehyung with could gaze making the other laugh.

" Brave I see " Taehyung talked with him who was completely annoyed by the CEO's flirting " Jungkook! Can you come here for a moment " the man Jungkook tilt his head and with a last glance at Taehyung walked away towards the voice came from.

" Jungkook " Taehyung mumbled his name and smiled.... without wasting anytime he followed behind Jungkook, seeing him arranging something on the table....his eyes following around the party " Spoiled rich " He mumbled and scoffed which Taehyung clearly heard as he was standing behind him.

" Seems like you really hate rich people huh " Jungkook flinched hearing Taehyung's deep voice right behind his ear...He groaned and turned to walk away but Taehyung grabbed him my his arm and pulled him back.... Jungkook bumped with his chest and looks at Taehyung.

He can feel Taehyung's earn breath on his lips " Why don't you talk to me for once " Taehyung said to him who pushed him away and looks around seeing people looking at them, seeing almost everyone looking at them " Leave me alone " Saying this Jungkook walked away making Taehyung chuckle.

" Hey look you bunny man " Jungkook stopped turning around facing Taehyung " You really are sassy....I am just trying to talk you know " Taehyung was talking but he noticed Jungkook's eyes was looking behind him " Hey I'm talking to what are you looking at?" just as Taehyung was turn around to look what Jungkook was looking at.

Jungkook pushed him aside, He takes out a gun from behind him and shoot a man in the centre of his head....who was about to attack Taehyung..... Taehyung who fall on the ground looks at Jungkook shocked seeing him amming the gun at already dead.

The people scream and was about to run around but Jungkook shoot the gun towards the roof making them scream " no one is going to move from there!" He yelled.... Taehyung stared at him shocked " RM close all of the doors " Jungkook ordered his man who nodded at him and made his way to the closers closing them all.

Locking them from outsider.... Jungkook glance at Taehyung " You follow me " He said to Taehyung who instantly stood up...not scared from him but he wanted to follow Jungkook... because he finds the younger hot.... Jungkook takes off the apron sighing and made his way towards the stage.

Grabbing the Microphone " all of you! I clearly know how much crimes you had done....If you don't believe me see this video " Jungkook turned his head towards his other man Jimin and nodded at him....not a minute later...on the screen behind, a video came....all most all people present in the room.

Talking about illegal actions and taking money " I want you to confess your all of the wrong doings or another option...leave all of the bad works and donate all of your money to orphanages and hospitals....or else die " Jungkook said in the mic...he smirked seeing the fear on everyone's face.

" You can't kill us! " one of them yelled.... Taehyung just stayed silent hearing everything " I can...see that cake there is a bomb in it...If I leave from here, I can easily kill you " Jungkook said to the man whose face turned pale " He is lying! There is no bomb in it " Jungkook looks at Song Ji who just spoke up.

Jungkook looks at him aiming his gun he shoot him on his leg making him fall on the ground whimpering....a laugh left from Taehyung's mouth, he wished he had pop corn's with him.... Jungkook looks at him who shrugged his shoulders ignoring Jungkook's glares.

" So now? Have you all decided " They all agreed Jungkook and promised him they will do as he said.... Jungkook let them go.... Jungkook turned around and looks at Taehyung " You can leave too " He said and turned to go but Taehyung stopped him "I really wanna know who you are...of course not any police officer of agent "

Jungkook turned around and looks at him " Heard of JK?" Taehyung widen his eyes " That Mafia leader....It's you " Jungkook nodded his head, Taehyung smirked at him " What If I tell everything to police " Jungkook rolled his eyes " Than it's really easy for me to chop your body into pieces and feed them to my dog "

Taehyung chuckled hearing him "I want you to go on a date with me " Taehyung said and leaning towards Jungkook who looks at him with a smirk " Mr CEO are you asking me only a date?" Jungkook asked him who nodded " Yes Mr Mafia " Jungkook chuckled and looks at him " Okay ".

🐯 The End 🐰

🎈 Happy Birthday!
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Smut is difficult to write okay, I'm try please wait

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- Author Nim 🐰

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