✨ Koo My baby ✨

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

Ova is my another name in ffs so if you see Yuna for Ova it means that's me ❤️❤️

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung, who is dating Jeon Jungkook for 4 years, Jungkook is 19 years, sassy and savage boy meanwhile Taehyung 21, shy boyfriend of Jungkook...even he in the Dom one...But Sometimes when Taehyung gets possessive he can kill anyone without thinking....that's the reason why Jungkook gets scared sometimes.

Today is the day, when Taehyung wisdom tooth will be taken out, and the elder was scared as hell.... unfortunately his beautiful sassy boyfriend couldn't accompany him for that but Ova, Taehyung and Jungkook's old friend was there to help him....but of course Taehyung was missing his lover.

( Okay let me be clear, idk at which age they takes out wisdom tooth because on my country it falls by itself 🤓)

Now anesthesia was working on Taehyung cute high....his wisdom tooth was already out and he was smiling holding a bunny keychain " It looks like my baby " Taehyung said his voice came out muffles as the tissue was in his mouth... blocking the book to not come out, hearing that Ova looks at him and smirked...taking out her phone and dialling Jungkook's number.

" Yes Ova? I'm on my way " Jungkook said he must be driving the car " Jungkook actually there is something I was to show you " Ova said to him and switched to video call... Jungkook's face came in view....He was not driving the car but sitting on the passenger seat and his father John was driving the car " see " ova turned the camera towards Taehyung.

Jungkook couldn't help but giggled seeing Taehyung his shy lover looking at the bunny keychain dreamily " Taehyung, why are you staring at that? " Ova asked him who looks at her " My bunny " He said, Jungkook couldn't help but coo " Who is your bunny?" Ova asked once again smiling.

" Koo my baby, he is so pretty " He whispered which made the nurses and doctors laughs at his cute behavior... Jungkook smiled " We are here " John said to him, who smiled " Thanks Dad " Jungkook hurriedly takes off his belt and rushed inside hospital....He heard Taehyung babbling like a baby when he entered into the room.

" He is so pretty, I love him so much....one day I'm going to marry him " Taehyung said his lips parted looking at the ceiling....Ova hangs up the call and smiled at Jungkook who couldn't help but thank the God for blessing him with such a cute and loving boyfriend.

" Taehyung who tops?" Ova asked she really wanted to know for a long time, ignoring Jungkook's glares she waited " of course me! Koo my baby is muscular but I always top " He excided said but whined when Jungkook hits his head blushing madly.... Taehyung looks at the person with teary eyes and pouts seeing his lover.

" Koo my baby " Taehyung opened his arms to get a hug from his lover, Jungkook was surprised to see him not being... because it's always Jungkook who kisses him and approach him first for their love making session...but anyways Jungkook shrugged it off.

Sat on Taehyung's lap and warpped his arms around the elder...who pouts and hugged his waist and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder for someone time, ignoring all of the nurses and doctors who brusted into aww's and Ova squealing " Mr Jeon " Jungkook pulled away.

Looking at the dentist " You can take him home now, and feed him something cold like ice cream " Jungkook nodded and bowed his head slightly at the dentist who smiled at the sweet polit boy.... Jungkook helped Taehyung standing and linked their arms making their way out.

While Ova behind them holding Taehyung's belongings.... Jungkook helped Taehyung sitting in the back of the car and sat inside beside him.... Ova sat on the passenger seat " He looks like he is on drugs " John said glancing at Taehyung who hugs Jungkook's arm tightly.

" Look my father in law " Taehyung said and chuckled making John laugh " definitely on drugs " Jungkook was smiling at his lover rolled his eyes at his father's statement " Anastasia acts as drug dad also medicines second name is drug so shut up " John rolled his eyes and drives the car.

After an hour, Jungkook came in his room and saw Taehyung dreamily looking at the ceiling... Jungkook put the ice cream bowl on the nightstand and sat besides Taehyung wipping his mouth with a tissue which was drooling " I love you " Jungkook smiled at him.

Taehyung couldn't stop saying that again and again and Jungkook loves it " More " Jungkook said and peck his cheeks who showed him his boxy smile but very next moment whined when his mouth hurts " Here eat this " Jungkook moved the spoon full of ice cream towards Taehyung mouth.

Who instantly opened his mouth letting Jungkook feet him....an hour went by and now Taehyung was fast asleep on Jungkook chest who was also dossing off.

••• Next day •••

" No I didn't " Taehyung was blushing seeing the video Ova showed him smirking... Jungkook was also smirking teasing Taehyung who bites his lower lip " I always top, Koo my baby is muscular but I always top " Ova imitated him who looks at her glaring " well that's true I always top ".

Jungkook gasped and hit Taehyung's shoulder who smirked and holds Jungkook's waist pulling him closer making him blush " W-What are you going, everyone are looking " Now it was Jungkook who was being shy " What happened To my Koo baby ".

Taehyung asked him smirking and before Jungkook could say something Taehyung smashed his lips on the younger, his pain all gone....Ova sulked seeing the couple... everyone Sound the cafeteria cheered for Taekook.

🐯 The End 🐰

How was it? Favourite part?

I was about to publish a angst oneshot but guess some body wanted it to be fluff

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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