Anniversary and Plans

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

No one's Pov

Jungkook slammed the dishes on the dining table, flinching his son, who was reading his book peacefully and his husband, who was trying his best to repair his 19's radio " I will through this radio out of the house, eat!" Jungkook angrily said to his husband who glance at his son who looked away " What is that suppose to mean?" Taehyung asked him with a smile.

" That's exactly what I mean, you care about this radio more than your forking husband!" Jungkook angrily pouts " Did I say that?" Taehyung asked, slight smile visible on his face " That mean's I'm wrong " Taehyung panicked looking at Jungkook who was glaring at him " I-I never said that" he nervously said to him who once again glared at him " you know what! Both son and father eat the food and leave the dishes on the table, I will clean all of this mess later ".

Jungkook angrily said and slamming his apron on the counter walked away, Taehyung and their son Taegguk heard the door slamming loudly... Taehyung turn his head towards his son " Your Papa is really mad at me, little one " Taehyung said with a nervous smile... Taehyung adjusted his glasses and put his book down on the table " Dad, let's take a walk " He said.

After a little time, Taehyung with his son were walking around the park near their house " If you love my Papa, you shouldn't have forgotten about your wedding anniversary " Taehyung who was smiling stopped on his trance " That's why you Papa is he will be angry at me for straight 3 months " Taehyung said and facepalms... Taegguk sighed.

" I knew that you will forget, here " Taegguk hand him his credited card " I swiped this in 5 places...I wrote all of your tommorow plan in this note-book and Please old man put some money in this card " Taegguk said walking back inside the house, Taehyung stare at him lips parted in surprise " diffently Jungkook's son " He mumbled under his breath.

Next day....

" Alexa play some music " Taehyung said " playing we don't talk anymore " Taehyung wide his eyes " no no, something romantic " Taegguk facepalms " Alexa play Beautiful life " Taegguk said " playing beautiful life life " Taegguk stare at his with duh face " Come on help me sat the table, It's going to snow " Taehyung said to him.

Jungkook woke up hearing the sound of music...He sat up on bed rubbing his eyes...He looks around but saw no one....He inhales deeply and stood up...He walked down stairs and smiled widely.

He took some steps and felt Something tugged his legs,He giggled when rose petals fall on him

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He took some steps and felt Something tugged his legs,He giggled when rose petals fall on him....He looks up moving his hands forward... Taehyung smiled looking at his bunny smile.

 Taehyung smiled looking at his bunny smile

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