❣️ Heart Eyes ❣️ #2

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

No one's Pov

" So you mean, He studies in this college?" Taehyung asked Jackson, his very good friend and a really good agent " Yes for God sake! yes! Can't believe he asked me to find a kid's location " Taehyung rolled his eyes " Don't be so annoying, Thanks " Jackson just sighed and drove away dropping Taehyung.

Taehyung was wearing his mask and cap, He looks at the college...He looked around seeing students laughing and having fun with each other, Without any worries of world...He miss those days when he used to spend his time smiling and laughing just like them.

But everything changed when his parent's died and because of property and his face everyone starts to get interested in him, Which made his distance with others, He hates it...he just want to be treated like normal people.

He felt normal only in those where he talked to Jungkook, The younger male never treated him like an idol..at first he did but than they were more like normal people.

" Jungkook, no!" He heard a loud voice shouting, He turned around seeing a male with mint hair rushing towards someone's shouting...a familiar name " Jungkook! Don't you dare!" He run past Taehyung and stopped someone "  nah you are not giving him this love letter " Yoongi said to Jungkook.

Who pouts " But Hyung~ you should tell him how much you love him...that's why I can't him in ground " Jungkook said looking on the other side from Yoongi's face " Nah! " Yoongi snached the letter from him...making Jungkook pout " but I want to help " Hw muttered.

" No! You think about your that idol Taehyung " Hearing that Taehyung knew it was his Jungkook.... Whom he hurted few days ago and didn't talked to him ever since....He couldn't believe how pretty handsome Jungkook is and his smile.

He couldn't believe how pretty handsome Jungkook is and his smile

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" Come on, let's get in...we are getting late " Yoongi said to Jungkook and grabbed his hand, Leading him inside... meanwhile Taehyung looks at Jungkook walking away with Yoongi, but he noticed Jungkook's blind stick " H-He is blind?" He mumbled shocked.

••• Time Skip •••

Taehyung was moving back and forth in his balcony " He is blind? How is this possible?" Taehyung was babbling man, Jackson was seated behind him staring at his best friend in disbelief " And you hurted him?" Taehyung looks at him " I-I just thought maybe he is like others

Loving me because of my looks " Taehyung said to him, feeling guilty for doubting the male, Jackson sighed " Taehyung, Talk to him, Tell him why you were rude with him " Taehyung looks at him and nodded " I can't do anything else too " He mumbled.

Another day went by, Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook in front of his college...he wanted to talk to him face to face and not on some call....There he was standing in front of college along with Jackson waiting for Jungkook " Why am I here?" Jackson asked him, annoyed.

Taehyung glance at him for a split second and than turned his head towards the gate again " Because you're my best friend " Taehyung simply said to him making him whine " I'm unfriending you " Jackson was ignored when Taehyung almost yelled.

" HE IS HERE!" Jackson followed his gaze and saw him, The famous Jeon Jungkook Taehyung has been talking about non stop " Come on, it will be fun Hyungie!" Jungkook whined shaking Yoongi by his arm...making his way out of the college.

But Yoongi was unbothered " No, It's dangerous for you " Jungkook pouts " Amusement park is not dangerous " He mumbled....Yoongi chuckled at him... Taehyung stared at them, Jungkook and Yoongi were about to walk past them but Jackson was quick enough to talk to them.


Jungkook " Hearing his name Jungkook stopped, Along with Yoongi...ready to protect his kiddo, But Yoongi saw a familiar man " Yes?" Jungkook said smiling slightly, Jackson cleared his throat " well my friend here wanted to apologies to you for misbehaving with you "

Jungkook frowns meanwhile Yoongi was on protective mood hearing the word ' misbehave ' " M-misbehave?" Jungkook asked Jackson confused " He is so cute " Taehyung whispered to Jackson who rolled his eyes " Yes, Right?" He hit the back of Taehyung's head who nodded.

" Y-yeah " Hearing the familiar Deep voice, Jungkook gasped but before he could say something Yoongi speaks up " Okay who ever you two idiots are, stay away from my kiddo " Yoongi said to him... Taehyung glared at Yoongi " He is coming with me " Taehyung said to Yoongi who scoffed.

" He is not going anywhere " Taehyung scoffed back " Yeah try me " Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist who yelped by the sudden touch, Meanwhile Yoongi looks at him " No " Yoongi said in a warning tone but Taehyung smirked under the mask " Yes " He whispered.

And run away dragging Jungkook who was in shock, making his stick fall... Taehyung rushed to his car " YOU!" Yoongi yelled and run behind him.

Part #2

Someone gimme a phone please 🤧 jk just saw because my phone is broken again

How was it? Favourite part?

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world  🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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