Loving you Quietly 💕

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

Fluff....I guess

Safe for fasting person

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung and Jeon- no wait, Kim Jungkook, two different personalities was arranged in marriage, Taehyung, famous idol all around the world, cold and rude, meanwhile, Jungkook, Cute, innocent and bubbly....both of them loves each other but Quietly.

" Why bess make honey and not banana milk? " They was sitting on the dinning table, having their breakfast... Taehyung silently heard Jungkook's every single thing, without complaining about it " You know my best friend's husband! He is so sweet " Jungkook starts once again.

" He takes him to dates, cuddle him and shower him with kisses " Jungkook said pouting, staring at the all wall, finding it really interesting out of blue " Get ready in the evening " Taehyung said after a along pause, Jungkook's ear perks up " Why? Any business party you want me to attend with you?" Jungkook asked him.

" You will know, just get ready before 5 " Taehyung said and stood up " I am leaving " He said to Jungkook, who shrugged, but he gasped when Taehyung placed a long kiss of his head, well this is new " See you, Take care " Jungkook blinked his eyes staring at Taehyung's figure.

Jungkook takes out his phone and wrote something on his notepad " first kiss of head " He mumbles and wrote on his notepad, he giggled feeling flowers bumming in his stomach, On the other hand... Taehyung was driving, his eyes was fixed on road but his mind was blank, his lips parted in disbelief.

" I can't believe I  really did that " He whined and hit his head on the steering wheel " He is gonna think of me as a pervert " Taehyung said and tugged his hair, frustrated " Wait- I am his husband, of course I have all the rights to kiss him " Taehyung was having a conversation with himself not noticing people giving him weird looks inside the car.

In the evening Taehyung got home and was met with sulking Jungkook " What happened to you?" Jungkook looks at him and glared " Yeontan again argued with me " Jungkook said to him, Taehyung smiled slightly " What happened this time?" Taehyung asked folding his arms " He said-" Jungkook stopped remembering about his argument with Yeontan.

" I am his husband, no more kisses on lips" He said to Yeontan, holding him in air, facing him, Yeontan barks " Bad boy don't even respect elders " Jungkook pouts, Yeontan once again barks.

" he said what?" Taehyung said to Jungkook, who zoned out for a moment " Nevermind, I am ready can we go now?" Jungkook asked jumping on the couch now " Okay, stoping jumping you will get hurt " Taehyung scolded him, who giggled and went to grab his things before leaving... Taehyung smile looking at him.

Even their Marrige was arrange, they still talked everyday trying to understand each other, and now after 3 months, they are here having feeling for each other Quietly.

Jungkook linked his arms with Taehyung when they reached a Cafe, Taehyung glance at him who was looking around smiling widely.... Taehyung shakes his head and they walked inside " Sit here, I will be back " Taehyung said to him, who nodded and sat on the table...After sometime, Taehyung came back with 2 cups of ice cream.

Jungkook pouts looking at him with puppy eyes, Taehyung sat down and looks at Jungkook, noticing his puppy eyes " What happened?" He asked him " I want to eat 2 " Jungkook said to him, pouting... Taehyung smiled and slid his cup towards him " Here, you can eat mine too " Taehyung said and smiled.

Jungkook smiled widely and starts to eat happily, Taehyung rested his chin on his hand and started at Jungkook, smiling " I love you " Taehyung said to him out of blue which made Jungkook choke, Taehyung chuckled at his cute reaction " Okay wait, I will pay the bill and than we will leave " Taehyung said to him, who nodded, blushing.

Jungkook was deeply in thoughts but than, he heard something " Look, a bunny " He looks up and saw a group of boys smirking at him, he felt uncomfortable but ignored them " let's take him to our car and have fun " Jungkook eyes filled with tears " Are you finished " Hearing Taehyung's voice, Without wasting any time.

Jungkook rushed to him and hugs his arm " T-those ugly boys are talking dirty about me " Jungkook said pointing at the group, who laughed at him " They said let's bring him to car and have fun " Jungkook said almost crying, Taehyung couldn't control, without wasting anytime, Taehyung starts a fight with them.

" How dare you talked to my husband like that "Jungkook stayed back, he was worried about Taehyung, but at the same time Jungkook knew Taehyung is enough for those skeletons.. the cafe staff stopped their fight, without wasting anytime, Taehyung takes Jungkook inside the car.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook, who was crying " Okay, at least you don't cry " Taehyung said to him, who instantly holds Taehyung's arm and leaned towards him " thank you " Jungkook said and nuzzle his head in Taehyung's arm, Who smiled and pats his head " Okay, come in, let's go home " Taehyung said to him.

Jungkook leaned back and wipes his tears " Can we go to book shop first?" Taehyung frowns, but of course he listened to him and this is how Taehyung was looking at Jungkook, buying a book named.

How to make a friendship with a dog

" What is that for?" Taehyung asked him, settling in the driving seat.... Jungkook thought for a moment " Personal reason " Jungkook said, Taehyung wasn't convinced but nodded slightly, just as he was about to drive he looks at Jungkook again remembering about something.

" I said something to you earlier, you didn't answered " Taehyung said to him Jungkook, who stopped reading and looks at Taehyung with a nervous smile " What I am thinking I can't tell you " Taehyung rolled his eyes " Why are you thinking something dirty?" Taehyung said to him with  make Jungkook wide his eyes.

" Astagfirullah! ( Sorry 🙂💔) why would I think something dirty " Jungkook said to him which made Taehyung sigh " Than what " Jungkook holds Taehyung's hand " of course I love you too " Taehyung smiled hearing that but he was taken back when Jungkook yanked his hands away.

" I am just disappointed that you confessed late, now I can't make that Misoo jealous who just to say Taehyung Oppa loves me " Jungkook imitated her which made Taehyung laughed, He leaned towards Jungkook ans peak him in his cheek " I don't even know she is " Jungkook holds his cheek.

Taehyung starts to drive the car, he glance at Jungkook and Chuckled " This is just the beginning, get ready lot of kisses and cuddles " Taehyung ssid making Jungkook even blush more.

The End

Everyone's interest losing in this oneshot book

Do I write a lot of angst Oneshots?

Favorite part?

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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