🥀 His loyal husband ✨

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

It can be confusing but so far I love my this oneshot

No one's Pov

Early in the morning, Jungkook was lying on his bed...looking at the ceiling....He glance at his husband....who was in deep sleep.....He came out of his thoughts when he heard his alarm ringing....He sighed and turned of the alarm....sitting on bed.....taking a last glance at his husband.

He stood up from the bed, wearing his slippers made his way towards the bathroom...looking at himself in the mirror " I love when you smile...my love " unknowingly a smile form on his lips remembering about his words " Jungkook!" But his smile fell hearing his husband's voice....he shakes his head and splash some water on his face.

He walked out of the bathroom and looks at his husband " Please prepare my breakfast I need to leave early today " Jungkook nodded his head softly.... sweating....His husband looks at him seeing him zoned out once again " Jungkook my breakfast" Jungkook looks at him and nodded.

" I will get it for you " lowering his head he walked out.... Jungkook looks at his wedding ring gulping " Love " He turned around hearing that sweet voice... which always make him smile and feel loved... before he could say something he was stopped by his husband's voice " Jungkook where are my shoes!" Jungkook looks behind him.

Seeing the man smiling at him " Jungkook!" He gulped and was about to go but the man hugged him from behind " Are you mad! He will see us " but Instead of getting away from him...he smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek " Jungkook! " Jungkook panicked and pushed away the man away from him.

" C-coming Taehyung " Jungkook was about to leave the kitchen to go to his husband but the man grabbed his hand and pulled him back " I won't let you leave my love " But Jungkook pushed him away " Are you gone mad! He will see us " Jungkook said and walked out of kitchen....He stood before his shared room.

And with a deep breath open the door " W-What happened?" He asked Taehyung who was already ready but was looking for his shoes " My shoes Jungkook, where are they?" He asked him...his voice was soft but still his voice was working as a bullet on his heart " why don't you call me love Taehyung " He tilt his head.

Taehyung stopped seeing his husband looking at him with logging eyes.... Taehyung sighed " My shoes " he asked him again who came out of his thoughts blinking his eyes " under the bed " He whispered out which was enough for Taehyung to hear.... Jungkook looks out of the room...seeing that smile again.

The person who always shows how much he loves Jungkook....but that's wrong isn't it, he is already married " Jungkook! " Jungkook flinched hearing Taehyung's harsh tone....He looks at him " Did you take your medicine?" Jungkook blinked his eyes " Y-yes " Jungkook once again said in a small voice.

Taehyung nodded and turned back to his work.... Jungkook wipes his sweat and made his way out of the room " Papa!" He heard his son's voice... smiling Jungkook made his way to their son's room " Awake bub?" Jungkook caresss his son's cheek and helped him getting out of bed.

Jungkook helped him getting ready for his school...with a smile...He fed him his breakfast " Papa, Are you sick? " The cute boy, Soo asked him who frowns helping him in wearing his bag " No baby, who told you I'm sick?" Jungkook asked him who pouts " Dada " Jungkook's smile fell " why you think I'm sick Taehyung ".

Jungkook thought to himself, but he smiled at his son again " No baby, Papa is perfectly fine " Jungkook said to him who nodded.... Jungkook send him off to his school and looked back seeing him once again " Leave Taehyung is still here " He said to him who chuckled and walked away from there.

Jungkook sighed heavily and made his way to dining table....seeing Taehyung reading a news paper " Jungkook please get my breakfast I'm getting late " Jungkook looks at him sadly " what happened to your promises of always loving me Taehyung....now you don't even glance at me " Jungkook thought to himself.

Sighing he went to kitchen and arranged Taehyung's breakfast... holding back his tears...with a shaky breath...he picked up the breakfast and made his way to dining table....putting the food in front of him...and take a seat in front of him... Taehyung glance at him and eats his breakfast.

" Oh Jungkook, I remember....you have appointment today...Hoseok will pick you up.... please don't miss it like last time " Taehyung said his eyes still on news paper.... Jungkook just silently stare at him, always waiting for him to say something more...but like always nothing " T-Taehyung " Jungkook called him.

Who hummed in reply " go on, I'm listening " Taehyung said to him....who lower his head " I was thinking, can we go out today? " Jungkook asked him softly with hopeful eyes....but in response " Sorry Jungkook, but today I have a really important meeting...soon?" Jungkook smiled sadly.

Just like always , He nodded...The him went by... Taehyung finished with breakfast stood up....He made his way to the front door and looked back sighing seeing his husband still sitting on the chair...his eyes gulped to the place where once Taehyung was sitting and a smile adoring on his face.

" Jungkook " Taehyung called him out, who flinched and looks at him...With a confusion on his face " I'm leaving close the door " Taehyung said to him who nodded... Taehyung sighed heavily and walked out.... Jungkook stood up and made his way to the front door...seeing his husband getting in his car driving away.

He closed the door....He turned around and was met with his smiling face....and without any hesitation Jungkook warpped his arms around his waist and hugged him resting his head on his chest " What happened love?" He asked Jungkook warping his arms around Jungkook.

" Never leave me again Taehyung " Jungkook whispered in his chest....In reality, there was no other Taehyung than his husband.... Jungkook spend years longing for his husband's love...He waited a lot....which made him like this....he lost his ability to differentiate between reality and his imagination.

Even in his imagination he just wanted Taehyung's love.... Sad reality was Taehyung never understand him...Just like others he thought Jungkook is crazy, He never understood that Jungkook wants his attention his love...he never understand his feeling.

Jungkook, his loyal husband, whose whole world was Taehyung..

The End

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