Boss King 👑

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Warnings : Cheating , Savage bottom

No one's Pov

Moans can be heard in a room, Jeongguk entered in the room and was met with Kim Taehyung, making out with one of his classmates Rachel...He slammed the door open taking the two people by chance...They turned around looking at Jeongguk with widen eyes.

" Baby, Jeonh-" Jeongguk stopped Taehyung " what? That's it's what it's look like? I'm not a fool Kim Taehyung " Jeongguk said to him crossed his arms against his chest looking at Taehyung who stare at him shocked not only him but Rachel...after all Little Jeonggukie was taking back at them.

" Jeongguk what " Jeongguk once again shut Taehyung up by speaking " you know what...I'm tired of acting innocent and sensitive in front of you " Jeongguk said to him, He drove all the way to Seoul to see Taehyung cheating on him? He was pissed " you know what, you should have chosen someone at least beautiful "

Jeongguk said scanning Rachel from head to toe, who glared at him " what the hell!" She yelled making Jeongguk annoyed...He tilt his head and looks at Taehyung " She is so noisy, I can't " Taehyung was shocked to see such a big change in his boyfriend " Jeongguk baby trust me...." Taehyung tried to hold his hand.

But Jeongguk yanked it away " Come on Taehyung, leave....It's okay if you lose the bet " Rachael said warping her arms around Taehyung's arm... Jeongguk rolled his eyes " Go and make out, out of my room... Disgusting " Jeongguk looks at him disgust....for some reason Taehyung felt bad.

After he spend 3 months with the boy, and got to know how good he was...He didn't wanted to hurt the boy but at the same time he wanted to date Rachel which he got " I said get out, take this lizard too " Rachel by now was glaring at him who didn't cared... Jeongguk went to them and pushed Taehyung and Rachel out.

Slamming his door on their face, Rachael groaned...she didn't liked how Jeongguk insulated her...The reason why she hates Jeongguk is because everyone loves him, for being polite and kind...she wanted to break him but it was like she was seeing a new Jeongguk, instead of being sad and broke, he was perfectly fine.

Taehyung on the other hand felt his heart beating, seeing this Jeongguk...he never knew Jeongguk can be this hot...But he flinched when Rachel yelled " You are going to regret this Jeon Jeongguk " Taehyung for the first time felt annoyed by her.

••• Time Skip •••

Jeongguk entered into the college and was met with students giving him judging looks....He ignored them and was walking towards his class when Taehyung pulled him in front of the students " Listen everyone " He shouted out to get attention of the students which he successfully got.

" Meet my ex boyfriend...who acted all Innocent in front of us but in reality he is the most cleaver among us " Taehyung said making Jeongguk look Way....Just than Rachael joined Taehyung placing her arm on his shoulder... Taehyung tilt his head and smiled at her.

" leave me alone " Jeongguk muttered and turned to walk away but Rachel grabbed his wrist stopping him...but Jeongguk yanked her hand away, Hurting her Ego " You!" She raised her hand to hit Jeongguk who gasped and closed his eyes but someone holds Rachel's hand stopping her.

but Jeongguk yanked her hand away, Hurting her Ego " You!" She raised her hand to hit Jeongguk who gasped and closed his eyes but someone holds Rachel's hand stopping her

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Everyone gasped looking at him " Jungkook hyung " Jeongguk opened his eyes seeing his twin brother Jeon Jungkook, holding Rachel's wrist, glaring at her.... Taehyung widen his eyes shocked to see Jungkook, twin of his ex boyfriend " Didn't I told you to stay away from my brother...Oops that was me " Jungkook chuckle and pushed away away.

" W-Who are you?" Taehyung asked him, who glance at him and Jungkook's gaze was doing weird things to his heart " Short introducing, your boyfriend's twin brother " Jeongguk looks at Jungkook.... confused, seeing his brother in Seoul, Jungkook was Jeongguk's twin.

But Jeongguk likes to call him Hyung, Jungkook went to Busan to live with grandfather's for sometime and seeing him here shocked Jeongguk " oops how dumb of me Jeongguk is now your ex " Jeongguk looks at Jungkook...He knew Taehyung cheated on him, he got to know a week ago.

He was disappointed but not hurt, He knew Taehyung is just playing with him from start... Taehyung and Rachel glance at each other " everyone " Jungkook clapped his hands to get the students attention... which Was already on them " Kim Taehyung played with my brother and cheated on him " Jungkook announced.

" And now blaming my brother huh " He glared at Taehyung...who somehow felt guilty... Rachel scoffed and folded her arms " so he don't deserve such a man like Taehyung, I do " She smirked at Jungkook who rolled his eyes glancing at his brother " yeah, he deserve you a lizard and b💠itch " Rachel widen her eyes.

" How dar-" Jungkook cut her off by speaking " dare? Just shut up we all know that's your reality... Jealous b💠itch " Jungkook said this and turned to Jeongguk " You okay?" He asked him softly who nodded his head  " Let's go than " Saying this Jungkook grabbed Jeongguk's hand and walked away.

Taehyung stared at him shocked " Baby " Rachel whined to him who sighed heavily and looks at her " Your baby is dead " Saying this, Taehyung rushed behind Jeongguk and Jungkook...But he was too late seeing Jungkook drove away...He lower his head disappointed.

After that day, Jeongguk didn't come to college, They got to know that Jeongguk transfered to his brother's college...and after one year.... Taehyung saw Jungkook and Jeongguk's picture on a big poster....Both of them became Top models... leaving their best life while Taehyun in regret.

🐯 The End 🐰

I hope you don't hate me after this

Thanks for reading 💕

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Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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