🥀 Father's Love 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

Requested by : Daeguboys123

No one's Pov

Life, Life plays unexpected games... Jungkook got married to a middle class male Kim Taehyung, Jungkook had a boyfriend...Jimin, playboy of his college but according to him...Jimin changed... Jungkook never liked Taehyung, Nor the normal middle class life he was living with Taehyung.

" Where are you going?" Taehyung asked who was seated on the couch, reading a book...it was 9pm...and Jungkook was wearing tight clothes " None of your business " Jungkook said with eye roll And walked out of the house, Leaving Taehyung sighing in disbelief.

Jungkook went to the club and saw a familiar face making out with a girl, He widen his eyes, tearing falling from his eyes...seeing Jimin, none other then his boyfriend making out with a girl " How dare you Jimin!" Jungkook pulled Jimin up by his collar who sighed....He pulled away from Jungkook.

" You should have known, I just used you " Jungkook's scoffed and pushed him " I can't believe it " Jungkook turned around and walked away...On the other hand, Taehyung was worried about Jungkook, It was past midnight and Jungkook was still not home.

Just then the door bell rang, Taehyung stood up and rushed to the door seeing Jungkook smiling at him dipsily " Jungkook you-" before Taehyung could say something, Jungkook pulled him for a kiss....

••• 2 weeks later •••

" Are you serious?" Taehyung happily exclaimed hearing Jungkook who nodded his head sightly " yes, I am pregnant " He mumbled out which was enough for Taehyung to hear " That's a great news! I'm going to be a father " Taehyung was so happy.

" It's a mistake not a great news " Taehyung stopped and turned to look at Jungkook in disbelief " What are you saying?!" Taehyung was furious, hearing Jungkook calling their child a mistake " what I'm telling is a truth! What happened between us was a mistake...and This child is a mistake "

Jungkook yelled out, Taehyung scoffed " Are you being serious? Jungkook, this is a gift from god not a mistake " Jungkook rolled his eyes " I'm aborting it " Jungkook was about to turn around and leave he was stopped by Jungkook's hand " Please, don't " Taehyung begged him on his kness.

Jungkook was shocked, He never saw Taehyung like this...even Taehyung wasn't cold with him, but surely Taehyung won't beg in front of someone for something, But how wrong was Jungkook, For what Taehyung was begging was not a thing but his child.

" Please, don't do it...I can do anything for you just don't abort our child " Taehyung's threaten to fall from Taehyung's eyes, Jungkook stared at Jungkook, deep in his eyes...He sighed heavily " Fine " hearing that a big smile bought up on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung took care of Jungkook a lot, and surely he was the only one happy, Jungkook was annoyed....but he said nothing...9 months went by, Taehyung cried looking the small baby in his arms...The soft baby in his arms, He was scared he would hurt him...He leaned down and placed a kiss on his son's forehead.

Sadly, after 2 weeks after Taeyong's birthday... Jungkook left, The reason was his ex boyfriend, Jimin..at first Taehyung was hurt, but with time he overcame it and his son was enough for him, the loud cries woke up Taehyung...who opened his eyes.

He looks at Taeyong, who was laid beside him...crying loudly....After entire day of working, Taehyung was tired but Taeyong woke him up...He took a deep breath and picked him up his arms and grabbed his milk bottle from the nightstand " It's okay Baby, Appa is here " Taehyung fed him.

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