❣️ Radio Jackey and CEO ❣️#3

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

Many of you requested for part 3 so here it is 💕

No one's Pov

" Why are you so nervous?" Yugyeom asked his best friend who was sitting in front of the mirror while Yugyeom was doing his make up " I'm scared " Jungkook exhales deeply... Yugyeom rolled his eyes " Look Kookie, it's just a date...He is not going to eat you...well maybe he w-" before he could finish Jungkook slapped his chest.

Making him chuckle, today is the day... Jungkook's first ever date and with none other then Kim Taehyung, his 10 years old crush, when Taehyung asked Jungkook for date... Jungkook was about to pass out but Yugyeom came to help him and from Jungkook's behave said yes.

" Take off your glasses " Yugyeom said to him and shakes his head " No! Then how am I going to see " Yugyeom rolled his eyes " contact lenses " Yugyeom smirked and takes off Jungkook's glasses who whined, just then the door bell rang " Oh he must be here " Yugyeom excited clapped hand and made his way to open the door.

Jungkook looks at himself in mirror, He closed his eyes " You can do this, It doesn't whatever happens today...just smile and be yourself " After having inner talk with himself Jungkook stood up making his way downstairs " I really think i heard your voice somewhere before " Taehyung said to Yugyeom.

Who smiled nervously " Well Mr Kim you see-" Yugyeom tried to explain it to him but Taehyung shuts him off by speak " What was your name again?" Before Yugyeom could say something Taehyung's eyes fall on Jungkook....and Taehyung forgot how to breath...The younger looked so beautiful.

While Jungkook, He couldn't believe the most handsome man in the world was here to take him more date

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While Jungkook, He couldn't believe the most handsome man in the world was here to take him more date..but then the front door opened and a man came in " Don't forget, I'm the world wide handsome man " Saying this he slammed the door shut and walked away, Everyone blinked their eyes.

" Kookie , did you get your wallet?" Jungkook came out of his thoughts and checked his pockets " Oh I forgot " Jungkook rushed back to his room to get his wallet, Taehyung frowns he heard the nickname somewhere " Okay let me tell you something, th...

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" Kookie , did you get your wallet?" Jungkook came out of his thoughts and checked his pockets " Oh I forgot " Jungkook rushed back to his room to get his wallet, Taehyung frowns he heard the nickname somewhere " Okay let me tell you something, that male over there is in love with you for 10 years

the three of us were in college and he loves you since then Don't break his heart or I'm gonna break your nose " Yugyeom said in one breath confusing Taehyung " Just ask him yourself " Jungkook came back " Ready?" Jungkook nodded his head at him... Taehyung holds Jungkook's hand, intertwined their fingers.

" Let's go " Taehyung gave him his boxy smile, making RJ blush " Okay " Jungkook said in a small voice, It was really weird to see the confident RJ JJK being submissive under Taehyung's gaze, Taehyung took Jungkook towards his car and opened the door for Jungkook.

Yugyeom behind them fangirlling, Taehyung closed the door and went to the driving seat..and drove off..... Jungkook was nervous and playing with his fingers...while Taehyung he was glancing at Jungkook again and again " don't be nervous " Taehyung said to him in his deep voice... Making Jungkook melt.

Finally after sometime Taehyung started the conversation " your best friend was saying we used to study in same college " He said more likely asked Jungkook, Who widen his eyes and looks at Taehyung " and You love me since than " Taehyung smirked at Jungkook, who lower his head flustered.

" Y-yes, you were popular back then...and m-me a nerd still I am " Jungkook said to Taehyung who shook his head ...eyes fixed to the road " I don't think so, You look cute with and without glasses...and..I love you too " Taehyung said to him... Jungkook looks at Taehyung shocked " Here we are "

Jungkook was about to open the door of the car but Taehyung was quick enough to open it for Jungkook " Come " Taehyung smiled at him and pulled Jungkook out of the car gently...They both made their way inside the restaurant hand in hand " I'm not good with dates and actually it's my first date so "

Taehyung chuckled nervously, Jungkook frowns " What about your date with Jennie?" Jungkook asked him with pouty lips...He still remembers that day, when he cried a lot.

" Jungkook, you are really going to confess to Taehyung today?" Yugyeom asked his best friend who nodded his head " Yes " He excided said to Yugyeom " Girls! Taehyung asked me out on a date!" Jungkook heard Jennie's voice, He turned around looking at Jennie.

The popular girl of college, Jungkook don't know why she hates him so much, always bullying him and now " I'm going on a date with him " She squealed and smirk at Jungkook " Kookie-" Without thinking, Jungkook rushed out of the class bumping with Taehyung.

" Sorry " Jungkook whispered without looking at the person and just ran away, Taehyung was about to say something to him but Jungkook just ran away " Kookie ! Wait !" Yugyeom rushed behind his Best friend... Taehyung stared at two best friends silently.

" I never asked her out on a date, She was just so cringe, Eww " Taehyung cringed remembering about how She used to call Taehyung Oppa, Jungkook brusted into giggles... Taehyung stopped and looks at Jungkook Unknowingly smiling " Your smile is so cute " Jungkook stopped and looks at him blushing making Taehyung chuckle.

••• Time Skip •••

" Hello and welcome back, I'm your RJ JJK and always remember to keep smiling " Jungkook said smiling widely " Today we are here with Mr Kim Taehyung, CEO of Kim Corporation and none other than my husband " Jungkook looks at Taehyung who was smiling at him, holding his hand.

2 years went by, Jungkook and Taehyung got married after 1 and half year of dating, Both were happily together everyday of smiling and supporting each other, many things changed, in 2 years  " I love you " Taehyung mouthed to him making him blush, well Jungkook was still shy and their love increased for each other.

🐯 The End 🐰

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Angst or Fluff for Next?

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Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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