Wisdom tooth

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

No one's Pov

" Next Mr Kim " Taehyung sighed hearing that " Yah, Yuna! ( That's me I am not using Hadia this time ) " Taehyung said to his sister who feel asleep waiting for her turn " Let's go " She jolt up and nodded standing up following behind Taehyung " Hello I am Doctor Jeon Jungkook " Taehyung stared at Jungkook.

Yuna noticed her brother's stares for the beautiful doctor in front of them.

" Kim Taehyung " Jungkook smiled and bowed to him " of course, famous Engineer Kim Taehyung " Jungkook said and looks at Yuna, who was staring back and forth and them, smirking a Little " Okay Miss Yuna, please lay down there " Jungkook said to Yuna

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" Kim Taehyung " Jungkook smiled and bowed to him " of course, famous Engineer Kim Taehyung " Jungkook said and looks at Yuna, who was staring back and forth and them, smirking a Little " Okay Miss Yuna, please lay down there " Jungkook said to Yuna.

Whose smirk long gone and now scared, Taehyung noticed that and hold back his laugh... Taehyung sat beside Yuna on a stole and Jungkook wear his gloves " Waoh " Jungkook injected anesthesia " Don't worry " Jungkook said to her...who starts to doss off a little.

Taehyung stare at Jungkook for sometime, ignoring his sister in pain " So when will you get free?" Taehyung asked him... Jungkook looks at him and than back at Yuna " After this " Jungkook said to him " Flirting~ " Yuna sang, anesthesia working terribly on her... Taehyung sighed embarrassed, while Jungkook hold back his smile.

" You are like a machine, you know why ?" Taehyung asked Jungkook, trying to impress Jungkook a little who was about to say something but Yuna starts " Because is he forking hot!" Yuna yelled " clam down young lady " Jungkook said to Yuna who nodded with her puppy eyes and leaned back.

" Because I work hard like a machine?" Jungkook asked him at which Taehyung shook his head and chuckle " No because I love machines " and Jungkook he blushed which made Taehyung proud " Same old line " Yuna said and scremed when Jungkook took out her wisdom tooth.

Taehyung cornered his mouth not to laugh looking at Yuna ....after all on this Jungkook made Tuna sat on the fuffy couch and have her a teddy bear " She needs to stay here for at least two hours " Jungkook to Taehyung, washing his hands.... Taehyung dancing mentally but than thanked Jungkook.

" This thing is weird " Yuna said looking at Teddy bear which made Jungkook giggle " You are so pretty" Yuna said looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes.... Taehyung cleared his throat and stood before Yuna, blocking her view " you alien who are you " Yuna said to Taehyung, her eyes filling with tears.

" Mr engineer, don't be rude to her...she is sensitive right now " Jungkook said pulling Taehyung " come on let's sit here " Jungkook said that Taehyung who nodded and sat on the couch beside Jungkook " I can't believe you can't even act like a stranger " Jungkook mumbled which Taehyung heard and pouts.

" Well Mister Doctor how can I ignore my pretty husband " Taehyung said and hugged Jungkook's arm who sighed " I'm Dentist Mr Engineer " Jungkook said and sighed looking at his husband who was flirting with him a moment ago " Maybe you flirt with everyone behind my back " Jungkook said which Taehyung heared.

" HEY! Y-" Taehyung was cut off by Yuna " Why is Suga so hot " She said her eyes filling with tears... Taehyung and Jungkook sighed...but Taehyung holds Jungkook's hand " Mr Dentist, you know I flirt only with you and ice cream ?" Jungkook nodded his head smiling widely " Next time no playing games " They heard Yuna crying once again.

" RM why can't I marry him " Taehyung rolled his eyes and stood up, walking towards her " You need to shut up " Yuna looks up and got starlted looking at Taehyung " Who are you?" Taehyung groaned... suddenly they heard a beep sound, hearing which Yuna stopped crying...after a few seconds of silence Yuna speaks up.

" Did I just died?" Jungkook giggled and shook his head " no Yuna, it just means that we can go home now " Jungkook said to her who starts to sob " What happened?" Jungkook asked her worried while Taehyung rolled his eyes " Why are you so caring ?" Jungkook cooed while Taehyung hit Yuna's head.

" What are you doing Taehyung!" Jungkook pulled him back... Taehyung shrugged " hitting to see if she comes in her senses " Taehyung said and folded his arms.... Jungkook hit his arm slightly " She is a human not a machine, epically not your Nora app, which you are always ruled to it " Jungkook said and rolled his eyes.

Jungkook went to Yuna and helps her getting up " Come on baby, let's go home " Jungkook said to Yuna, holding her hand...helping her in standing " you are an angel " Yuna said and cries.... Taehyung scoffed, getting jealous of his own baby sister "  Kim Jungkook, tell me one thing are you Jealous of my machine " Jungkook huffed and shook his head.

" well of course not, you be happy with her " hearing this, Taehyung knee he ducked up.

••• Time Skip •••

" Why are you following me?"  Jungkook asked Taehyung who was standing behind him " I'm sorry " Taehyung said they both ignoring Yuna singing behind still high on anesthesia... Jungkook felt Taehyung hugging him from behind " What is it?" Jungkook asked, holding back his smile " I said sorry, she is just a machine...I swear I won't lock up and work on it " Taehyung said.

Jungkook turns around and peck Taehyung on his lips " I was never angry, just teasing " Jungkook said and giggled " FAKE LOVE! FAKE LOVE " they heard Yuna just as they leaned to kiss " she shouldn't talk " Jungkook said and rushed to living room.... Taehyung sighed " No kiss " He pouts and walk behind Jungkook.

The End

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- Author Nim 🐰

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