One Sided Love

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

Where Jungkook fell in love with Taehyung, who is straight in love with Jungkook's sister....

973_dany Here it is the weird and bad surprise

973_dany Here it is the weird and bad surprise

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No one's POV

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No one's POV

Jungkook smiling looking at the letter he wrote for his best friend Taehyung, confession letter....He smiled looking at the letter and a rose flower with it....He stood up and start walking towards the cafeteria from Library.

My love,

I know that nickname seems weird and especially coming from someone like me...I have loved you for a long really long...I won't say much...just that I love you give me a chance..

Jungkook stopped when he heard Taehyung's voice, along with his other friends Jimin and Jin " What are you saying Hyung?" He chuckled in disbelief... Jungkook frowns and hid behind the pillar " What Taehyung? We just said that you and Jungkook looks so cute together...You will be the best couple if you both starts dating " Jimin said, who knew about Jungkook's feelings for Taehyung.

Jungkook wanted to hear what Taehyung will say next " Hyung are you serious? first of all I'm straight and you know Jungkook is just my best friend and I like Lisa " Taehyung said to them... Jungkook lower his head and looks at the letter and Rose in his hand....Jimin noticed Jungkook...he locked his eyes with Jungkook's glossy one....he was about to call him but Jungkook sign him to stay silent.

Jungkook turns around and he saw Lisa waving at him smiling, Jungkook weakly smiled at her...He glance at the letter and the rose and then at Taehyung....He took a deep breath and walked towards Lisa " Hey baby brother " Lisa said to him... Jungkook give her a forced smile and hand him the letter and Rose...Lisa frowns and read the letter.

" Who ?" She asked him, lightly blushing " T-Tae " Jungkook said in a shaking tone...Lisa was so happy to notice Jungkook's shaking voice or glossy eyes...She ran towards Taehyung and hugged him tightly, who was taken back by the sudden hug from his crush " I love you too " Taehyung frowns...Lisa pulled away from the hug " Thanks for this " She again pulled him in a hug.

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