💕 Mafia In Love 💕 #1

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Requested by : mishtygarg

No one's Pov

" Just make him regret for whatever he done to my brother " Kim Taehyung, The dangerous Mafia, who can kill anyone for his family and money was standing the his secret basement...Staring at the man blindfolded, sweating " Okay boss " Taehyung walked out of the room.

Kim Taehyung, his parents died when he was 16 years old..and without his wish, He had to enter into the world of Mafia for his younger brother Taehyun...He is cold, Doesn't like to show his weakness...one of the reason nobody knows about his identity... not even his own brother.

Taehyung was driving his car in anger, Someone tried to kill his brother....He widen his eyes when He kicked someone with his car, He may be a Mafia but he can never kill an innocent citizen, He has only two rules.

Number one : Never kill innocent people, especially Children or women.

Number two : Always follows number 1 at any cost.

He takes off his seatbelt and gets out of the car, seeing a boy... whimpering holding his leg.. his Right foot was slightly injured " Are you okay?" Taehyung asked him...The boy looks at him, And Taehyung felt his heart skipped a beat....The boy's doe eyes met Taehyung's....how was too lost in his beauty.

" Y-yes, I'm okay " He said to him in a small voice...who came out of his thoughts hearing the most sweetest voice " Of course you are not....come I will take you to hospital " Taehyung said to him " N-no i-" before he could say something Taehyung picked him in Bridle style taking him by surprise.

" Don't think much, You need a treatment " Taehyung said to...The boy stares at Taehyung's face.... Couldn't help but blush...for a moment forgetting about his bleeding foot... Taehyung sat him on the passenger seat and went to the driving seat driving the car towards hospital...He glance at the boy.

" what's your name?" Taehyung asked the boy, will was playing with his sweater paws " E-eomma said not to tell my name to strangers " He said in a small voice, Taehyung looks at him surprised " It's okay, I won't hurt you " The boy looks at him and stares at Taehyung's face somehow trusting him " Jungkook " He said to him.

Who smiled a little, loving Jungkook's name.... Taehyung stopped the car before hospital and once again picked Jungkook up who instantly warpped his arms around Taehyung's shoulders.... Taehyung tilt his head and his eyes met Jungkook's innocent doe eyes giving Jungkook a smile.

Taehyung sat Jungkook down on a bed " Doctor! Doctor!" Jungkook flinched when Taehyung yelled, He hates loud voices...It always scared him....He is the only son of his parents, They love him a lot, but Jungkook he is sensitive and innocent... Taehyung sat on the bed Infront of Jungkook.

The doctor arrived knowing Taehyung's voice... Jungkook sat silently, biting his lower lip...his hands covered with sweater paws resting over his mouth making Taehyung found the younger cute " How old are you Jungkook?" Jungkook looks at Taehyung flustered, He loved how the younger called him.

" 2-21 " Jungkook whispered out " Oh I'm 27" Taehyung said to him...The doctor was silent but mentally he was squealing....they talked a little till the doctor was done by now Jungkook a lot comfortable with Taehyung " You can walk but be careful okay " The doctor said to him who nodded his smiling.

Taehyung picked up Jungkook again earning a Yelp from him " I can walk " Jungkook said to him but instead he just chuckled... Jungkook smiled shyly... Taehyung dropped Jungkook to his house...Even he didn't wanted to leave but It was not the time.

••• Time Skip •••

Taehyung was standing in front his brother's college...waiting for him...He decided to pick up his brother from college...He smiled when he spotted him but his smile widen with a hint of shock on his face...When he saw Jungkook... limbing, walking with the help of his brother, Taehyun.

" Jungkook is it hurting?" He heard his brother asked Jungkook " No not even a little don't worry " Jungkook said to him and gave him a smile... Who sighed " Taehyun " Taehyung called his brother ...who looks at his brother surprised while Jungkook...He widen his doe eyes a little seeing Taehyung.

" Woah Hyung, you are here to pick me up " Taehyun said and hugged his brother...Who chuckled and hugged him back, But his eyes was on Jungkook...who was finding the ground really pretty blushing " Hyung meet Jungkook...my friend " Taehyun said to Taehyung.

" I know him " Taehyung said to Taehyun, Jungkook looks at him from corner of his eyes, Taehyun frowns " You know him?" Taehyung nodded finally looking away from Jungkook " unfortunately I am the one who injured him " Taehyung said nervously chuckling " What! " Taehyun glared at his brother.

" It's okay Taehyunah...I'm okay now see " Jungkook said to him who calm form a little " But Hyung, you will buy banana milk for Jungkookie....He loves it " Jungkook blushed and slightly hit Taehyun's shoulder " Okay Come on let's go " Taehyung said to them " No no, It's okay " Jungkook said.

But Taehyung he holds his hand " I'm not taking no as an answer " Jungkook blushed and nodded his head.... Taehyung smiled, Taehyun noticed that something was going on between his hyung and friend.... Taehyung never smiles at someone and right now the Mafia was smiling like an idiot looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook sat on the backseat with Taehyung's help while Taehyun on the passenger seat and Taehyung on the driving of course....He drives the car... glancing at Jungkook from the mirror smiling...Both of them knew they both will be special in each other's life.

Part 1

There will be a part 2, or do you think this is enough?

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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