✨ The perfect couple ✨

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Ignore my mistakes plz....


Safe for fasting person

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung and Jeon- wait, Kim Jungkook got married 3 years ago, Jungkook was a working husband meanwhile Taehyung, house husband... Jungkook loved his work a lot and Taehyung, he didn't wanted to work under someone...so here how it was Taehyung being house husband and Jungkook working husband.

After 1 year of their Marrige Jungkook gave birth to their beautiful son, JungTae, This year he will turning 2.... Taehyung was playing with Jungtae, while Jungkook went to his office in an emergency " Jungie, don't bite Yeontan's ear " Taehyung shouted from the kitchen, he was making dinner for his family.

Jungtae was in the living room with Yeontan, playing, most likely bullying the poor puppy....after Taehyung was finished with dinner, he went to the living room, seeing Jungtae, sitting on Yeontan, who whimpering " Woah baby " Taehyung rushed to him and picked him up from Yeontan, who instantly run away, hiding under the couch.

" You are being naughty " Taehyung said and tickle Jungtae, who giggled.... Taehyung puts Jungtae on his shoulders and went back to kitchen to grab Jungtae's milk bottle.

On the other hand, Jungkook sighed heavily, completing his meeting finally, he went to parking lot and drives towards his home, on the way he stopped to grab some things for his husband son also Yeontan, When he got home, he opened the door and was about to announce his arrival, but stopped hearing something.

Can you see where is the house?

He heard that creatures voice, he made his way to living room and saw his husband, son and pet's eyes gulped to TV, watching that creature....Dora " Behind you " Taehyung said, Jungtae also said in his baby language, Yeontan also barks " I can't see it " Taehyung sighed and cursed under his breath.

Jungkook giggled ,hearing that heavenly sound Taehyung stood up and rushed to Jungkook, attacking with hug almost falling on the ground.... Jungkook smiled and warpped his arms around Taehyung " I missed you TaeTae " Jungkook said placing a peck on Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung chuckled and peck on his lips " Welcome back Koo " Jungkook picked ups Jungtae who giggled and wiggles in Jungkook's grip " Aww my baby " Jungkook placed a soft kiss on Jungtae's head.... Taehyung went to kitchen to heat up their dinner.

" Koo! Do you want to eat it in the living room or here?" Taehyung asked him from kitchen, Jungkook was was teasing Yeontan stopped " Can we eat here please?" Jungkook said to Taehyung who smiled " Of course cutiepie " Taehyung yelled back...when he came  back to the living room, he saw Jungkook kissing on Jungtae's chubby tummy who was giggling.

( Okay please, my mother said that when I was a baby she used to do that and it's normal okay )

Taehyung feed Jungkook with his own hands " What was your favourite part?" Taehyung rolled his eyes hearing Dora " Wow! That was my favorite part too!" Taehyung scoffed " You blind witch, we said nothing " Jungkook giggled and peck Taehyung on his lips...after their dinner, Jungkook laid Jungtae crib.

He went to his and Taehyung's room, He saw Taehyung already under the blanket waiting for him, Jungkook smiled and made his way to Taehyung, who opened his arms and welcomed Jungkook.... Jungkook struggles into Taehyung and warpped his arms around Taehyung's stomach, resting his head on his chest.

" How was your day?" Taehyung asked him, warping his arms around Jungkook's waist " My boss is annoying, otherwise it was good " Jungkook said pouting, Taehyung chuckled and ruffles his hair " What about yours? " Jungkook asked him " Everything was amazing, expect Dora " Taehyung made a disgusted face at the mention of Dora.

Jungkook giggled and hugged Taehyung tightly... Jungkook fell asleep nuzzling his face in Taehyung's neck, who peck his head and also closed his eyes.

••• Time Skip •••

" Where is my baby?" Jungkook was covering his eyes with his hands, Jungtae laying in front of him, playing with him " Here he is " Jungkook cheered and tickles Jungtae who giggled, raising his small feet in air.... Taehyung smiled entering into the room " Where is my baby?" Taehyung covered his eyes, acting like Jungkook.

He stood before Jungkook, who was giggling at Taehyung's Childish act " Here he is " Taehyung said and peck on his lips, they stopped when Jungtae starts to cry, making Taehyung and Jungkook laugh " He always cry when I kiss you " Taehyung said hanging Jungkook milk bottle " I know my baby loves me " Jungkook sassily said to Taehyung who chuckled.

In the evening, Jungkook and Taehyung was watching an animated movie, Jungtae already asleep...while Jungkook and Taehyung cuddling on the couch too lost to notice Jungtae and Yeontan, asleep on the ground.... finally when the movie Finished, Jungkook and Taehyung noticed their precious son and pet asleep on the ground.

" Hyung!" Jungkook whined when Taehyung pulled him back " They look comfy " Taehyung said hugging Jungkook by his waist, Jungkook rolled his eyes...now Taehyung was the one, acting like Yoongi, Jungkook gets away from Taehyung's grip and picked up Jungtae " Hyung lie Yeontan in his bed too " Jungkook said walking towards Jungtae's room.

He placed a small kiss on Jungtae's head and covered him with blanket, before Jungkook turn around he felt a hand squeezing his waist " Yah! Tae! What happened to you today?" Jungkook asked, because Taehyung was aching really weird... Taehyung nibs on his ear, who shivered.

" Hyung, no " Jungkook whined but Taehyung was far from stopping, He dragged Jungkook to their shared bed room and before he could lean to kiss Jungkook, they heard Jungtae crying, making Jungkook laugh meanwhile Taehyung sigh " Go " Taehyung pouts and stood up from the bed.

" Just wait, I won't leave you tonight " Taehyung rushed to make Jungtae stop crying and make him sleep, Jungkook smiled...well let's say, they are happy in their own small world and whatever happens, they are never going to let anyone break their beautiful world.


The End


I don't feel good about my writing skills anymore

Thanks for reading 💕

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- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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