Fixing the Crack.

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Past Memories...

Taehyung: I can't believe it...
Jungkook: What, hyung ()?

We got into a fight, y/n and I. For the first time, it was serious. Neither one of us intended to talk first.
I told Jungkook what happened.

Taehyung: I did nothing wrong. I'm not going to talk to her at all until she apologizes to me first.
Jungkook: How long have you been in a fight now?
Taehyung: I don't know, two days, maybe?

There was a discussion about moving in. We've been thinking about it a lot lately. What made us get into this fight though was our disagreement where we argued about splitting taxes. Of course, she didn't want me to pay anything at all, but I couldn't let it be like that, I am a man after all, I have to take responsibility for the things I take care of. And so, that small disagreement ended up growing into a huge fight we've been entangled, now.

These couple of days turned into a week, and that week turned into a few of them. I wasn't mad at her anymore, and I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't, because I was still waiting for her to apologize to me after the things she said to me.

Auntie: Why are you alone today, kid? Aren't you always with y/n or your boys?
Taehyung: Not today, Auntie.
Auntie: You seem pretty down, are you feeling unwell?
Taehyung: It's not that...

Auntie's cafe was almost empty when I came here, so she took it as a sign to sit next to me, ready for a talk.

Taehyung: It's just that... I don't know what to do anymore...
Auntie: What happened to your watch, dear?
Taehyung: Ah, this?

I glanced at my wristwatch, the one my father gave me. It's been broken for a couple of days now.

Taehyung: I accidentally broke it.
Auntie: Hm... I see...

She got up and left, only to be back a few moments after.

Auntie: Do you want to talk about it?
Taehyung: About what?
Auntie: Anything that comes to your mind, dear.
Taehyung: Sure.

So I told her everything that happened, the reason I'm not talking to her for so long, the reason she's probably still mad at me, the way I broke my watch, everything.

Auntie: That's a pity. It was a fine watch, indeed.
Taehyung: Yeah...
Auntie: ... It's been a while since I've seen this situation before. How nostalgic, brings back memories. Very interesting.

I looked at her surprised. Interesting? What does she mean?

Auntie: At your age, love is young. Your love is so fragile that most people part ways instantly because of arguments like that. You might think loving is easy, but you can't hang on for long if you only lean on your love.

I didn't quite understand what she was saying by that, although even so, I still continued listening to her.

Auntie: If you want to keep loving someone, it takes great deal of effort as well, my dear.
Taehyung: Effort?
Auntie: You need to let go of your pride and ego, my child. That's one of the most difficult things human kind can do. Just like my beloved once said, love is like a thing.

She gently took my watch off, as well as take out a small music box from her pocket.

Auntie: This is grandpa's very first gift he ever got.

We called her husband grandpa because he asked us to call him that way.

Auntie: I once asked him why was he still with me after so many years of us fighting and arguing-
Taehyung: *Surprised* You two used to get in fights?? Really?
Auntie: *Laugh* Oh, dear boy, of course we did. Everyone does, at some point.

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