My First And Last.

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It was 6 am when I woke up.
I slowly walked towards my closet, still half-sleepy.

Y/N: ... What should I wear...?

I stared blankly at that closet.
In the end, I just put on jeans and a white T-Shirt.
I went downstairs to see if the dishes were clean, and of course... They weren't.

Y/N: Aish Jungkook I told you to wash them before you go to sleep!

I just sighted and washed them myself.
When I finally finished I made myself bacon and eggs, cereal and a lot of chocolate bars... Oh, and an orange juice and some fruits.

While I was eating I heard someone coming down the stairs.
Without looking at him I just said.

Y/N: Took you some time. Come on, sit down. I made some for you too.
Jungkook: *Sleepy* Oh... Thanks...

He just slowly sat down on the stool and ate.
When we both finished with our food and talk Jungkook washed the dishes.

Jungkook: *Confused* Uh? Wasn't there more dishes?
Y/N: Yes, but I washed them since "someone is so responsible".
Jungkook: Oh...
Y/N: ... Did you make up with your girlfriend?
Jungkook: No... She won't answer my calls...
Y/N: Won't you text her?
Jungkook: Isn't that too heartless?
Y/N: Yeah, you're right...

Jungkook and I became friends a long time ago as well. Almost a year ago he got himself a girlfriend, so he lived with her. Not long ago they fought because of something stupid (happens to most couples I suppose), so she kicked him out.

Y/N: ... Why did you fight again?
Jungkook: Because she got jealous of me talking with another girl... She thought that I was cheating on her...
Y/N: Did you?

He shook his hand while looking down and drawing something on the table with his index finger.

Y/N: But still... Isn't that a little bit too much?
Jungkook: I asked a woman to deliver a necklace from Brazillia.
Y/N: A necklace?
Jungkook: Yeah. For our 1 year anniversary.
Y/N: Oh~... It sucks then...
Jungkook: A lot... How about you?
Y/N: Well... It's not as interesting as yours...
Jungkook: Tell me.
Y/N: ... He completely lost it.
Jungkook: *Shocked* What? Wait, does that mean that he doesn't remember absolutely anything???
Y/N: Not exactly... But me for sure...
Jungkook: I don't believe you. He would remember you first.
Y/N: Well... Looks like he didn't...

Jungkook looked sad, so I wanted to cheer him up.

Y/N: But don't worry. I'll make sure he remembers everything. Every single detail of his life that he forgot.
Jungkook: And how exactly if you've been hanging around this house for a week and a half?
Y/N: Mrs. Kim and I decided that we shouldn't see him for 2 weeks. While I'm here he's slowly recovering and soon he'll be out of there. Who knows, maybe I'll still have a chance...
Jungkook: And if not?
Y/N: ... I told you. I'll do anything to make him remember.
Jungkook: Even if he falls in love with someone else?

And at those words, I stopped doing what I've been doing.

Y/N: ... I won't let that happen...

He looked at me with a look that just screamed: "I'm sorry".

Y/N: He will remember. I just know that.

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