Finding Answers.

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[Hoseok's P.O.V.]

For the first time, this place has felt colourless, fearful, and to some point even threatening.

Mina: Oh my Gosh oppa (오빠), what will you order? I'm thinking of this one, sounds pretty rich, right??

The only happy one here was obviously Mina, she got what she wanted, but little did she know that despite Tae not having all his memories back, he still knew the rough image of what she has done not only to us but to him as well.

Jungkook: ... I think I'll pass.
Mina: Why? Won't you have banana milk as usual?
Jungkook: Banana milk isn't the only thing I live off with.

Well... It was obvious none of us were having it, but...

Y/N: I'll have the usual, what about you guys?
Sam: Yep, me too.
Yoongi: Same goes for me, y'all know it.
Namjoon: I'm actually thinking of changing things up a bit.
Jimin: Uu to which one?
Namjoon: I don't know... This maybe?
Y/N: Woah, looks fire! I'll take a bite from yours, you can have mine as well.
Namjoon: Of course! Same as always.

I was fascinated by how chill and cool-headed y/n was in this whole situation, and thanks to that, we all found small peace and felt more relaxed as well.
From the looks of it, Mina was obviously annoyed by her, or should I say, by the fact that she's not triggered at all. It was scary to the point she looked like she doesn't give a single damn about Mina's existence.

Hoseok: 'Well if this isn't going to be entertaining...'
Mina: So! What do you think of going somewhere after this? Karaoke, maybe?
Jimin: I'd go, but my throat is sore.

Ah, right... He was yelling his heart out while raging to music yesterday, so of course his throat must feel like hell right now, he sounded awful.

Yoongi: You sound more terrifying than the talents we have met with this voice.
Jimin: Please don't say that...

Yep, that's right. Our nickname for Mina was talent. Why? Because she had an incomparable talent of being delusional.

Taehyung: Well, at least you can impersonate people from horror movies.
Y/N: Like that woman from "Mama"!
Jimin: *Laughing* Omg noo!
Mina: Who cares about him, let's just go to karaoke by ourselves, then!
Taehyung: We're not going anywhere without him.
Mina: Why not?
Taehyung: I have no intention of leaving anyone behind.

She was pissed by that, but just as y/n later told us, she really did listen to what he said.
I still can't believe y/n agreed with Taehyung's bizarre idea. Those two have completely lost it...

Mina: Do you remember how we met, oppa (오빠)~?
Taehyung: I don't.
Mina: We met on your concert, silly! I dropped my belongings by accident when you helped me pick them up. We fell in love at first sight.

And that's when Yoongi and Sam were heard, barely managing to hold their laughter, making all of us do the same.
It only took her one glare to show her frustration, but still, none of us managed to hold ourselves at this point.

Sam: S-sorry.
Mina: ... Anyway, it was magical.
Namjoon: (Trying not to laugh) I don't doubt that.

And even y/n was holding herself from bursting. From what I saw, Taehyung seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Lisa: That reminded me.
Hoseok: Of what?
Lisa: Do you remember how Jimin-ah met Yoongi?
Mark: Oh my Gosh, I love that one!
Jimin: Right?? Such a hit.
Yoongi: *Laughing* I still can't believe how our opinions of each other were so off.
Jimin-ah: (Also laughing) Right?? But I like my encounter with y/n and Taehyung more.
Y/N: *Embarrassed* Oh no. Please don't remind me of that...
Jimin-ah: Do y'all remember what she said, again? I think it was something like...
All: You have nice asses!

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