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Jimin: *Confused* ... Eh?
Taehyung: I said do you like y/n?

An awkward silence surrounded us. I could feel the tense piercing right through my body which soon made me regret asking him that question.

Jimin: Yes. I do.

What!? I bet I looked like an owl right now because of how wide my eyes got.
Is that why he's always talking about her? Is that why he's trying to be next to her non-stop?
Why didn't he tell me that he has feelings for her? For some reason, it kind of irritates me.

Taehyung: ... So you like her, huh?
Jimin: Of course! Everyone likes her! Besides, there's nothing not to like about y/n.
Taehyung: (Scoffing while looking somewhere else) Hah, speak for yourself...
Jimin: Why are you asking that, all of a sudden?
Taehyung: 'Cause you're being too obvious. Do others know?
Jimin: ... Know?
Taehyung: That you have feelings for y/n. Do they know about that?

A moment of silence. I thought he was too embarrassed and uncomfortable because he probably didn't tell anyone, but when I finally looked at him, this brat was lying on the floor crying his ass out from laughing.

Taehyung: (Shout-whisper) Why are you laughing idiot!? This is serious!
Jimin: *Dying* Omg you thought I fell in love with her, you misunderstood everything hahaha!
Taehyung: (A bit mad) When you say it so carelessly, who wouldn't misunderstand...

He finally sat up, still red and still crying from all that laughing.

Jimin: I don't like her in that way, silly.
Taehyung: Then in what way do you like her, 'silly'? Don't ever call me that again, it sounds gross.
Jimin: Hahaha I won't.

Then he changed his expression.

Jimin: *Smiling* She's like a little sister to me. She's funny, cute, caring, and she's very interesting, like a little puppy. I always wanted to have a younger sister, so whenever I'm with y/n, I always feel happy because she made my wish come true.
Taehyung: ... Lame.

I said that as I turned my chair back and continued doing my job.

Jimin: (Enjoying this) Why? Jealous?
Taehyung: *Scoff* You wish.
Jimin: Someone's jelly~!
Taehyung: *Smirk* As if.
Jimin: Come on, TaeTae, just admit it.
Taehyung: Repeat what you want me to say so I could repeat it.
Jimin: *Annoyed* You're no fun, seriously.
Taehyung: Goodnight, Jimin~.
Jimin: ... Goodnight. You should go to bed too, it's pretty late.
Taehyung: (Not listening) Aha, in 5 minutes.
Jimin: Don't forget we have to wake up tomorrow at 4 am.
Taehyung: (Typing on the keyboard) Sure thing.

The next day Namjoon happily came to us, running like a little child... Or a gorilla, you name it.

Namjoon: *Happy* Guys, guys!
Jin: What? Is everything okay?
Jungkook: Did the meeting with Bang PD-nim go well?
Yoongi: I hope it's something worthy because I'm not in the mood for listening to your dumb statements.
Hoseok: Why are you so happy? Is everything okay?
Namjoon: It is! While at the meeting, I asked PD-nim if we could spend Christmas with our family...
Hoseok: *Worried* And~?
Namjoon: ... He said yes!
Taehyung: *Happy* Yay~!

We were all so happy to hear that! Ah, I can't wait to go home and see my family, I missed them all so much!
Mom, dad, siblings, my cute little doggo- ah I can't wait to squeeze them all!

Jungkook: We can spend holidays with our family yay~!
Namjoon: Yes! And New Year too!
All (Except for Taehyung): Woohoo!
Taehyung: ... What about the ice-skating then?

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