A Sparkle Of Hope.

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At that moment I froze, as if dead. My legs were shaking, my strenght became weak, ready to leave me, I was expecting to fall on earth any second. I didn't want to cry anymore, my heart ached so much that even tears weren't able to come out. Not a single one.
So he doesn't remember me after all...
But when I came back to reality, it hit me...

What should I say to that?

Should I tell him the truth? Should I lie?

I didn't know what was right at that moment, but then it hit me.

Mrs. Kim: How can you not remembe-
Y/N: I'm sorry that I came here uninvited, but Mrs. Kim asked me to visit you here, in the hospital, that is all.

Both of them looked stunned.
Lisa looked at me with widened eyes full of shock, whispering as quietly as possible "What the hell are you doing!?"
I didn't pay attention to her. I looked directly at his eyes.
He gently nodded, and then turned back to his mom.

Tae: ... Mom... I'm tired...
Mrs. Kim: Ah, yes! Please rest, honey. I'll visit you tomorrow, okay?

He smiled and gently nodded, and then we left.
Right when Lisa closed the door she turned towards me, obviously pissed.

Lisa: What the heck was that just now!?
Mrs. Kim: You should've just told him, y/n.

She looked as if she was sorry and worried.
I just lightly smiled to make them feel at least a little bit better.

Y/N: Don't worry, Mrs. Kim. Everything will be okay.

No it won't. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so badly, but it hurt so much that not even a tear stroke down my cheeks.
Mrs. Kim came to me, stroking my hair.

Mrs. Kim: If you made this choice it means you had a very good reason to do it. I will support you no matter what, y/n. I am truly sorry...

I hugged her. Why is she so kind to me? I always felt valuable in her arms, as if I were in my mother's. Why? It wasn't her job to be like my mother, it was my mom's. But instead my mom ran away with a musician to America...
She hugged me tighter. I still didn't cry, but after this, I promised myself that the only tears I will cry, will be those that are tears of happiness.

I'm not giving up so easily. I will make you remember, Taehyung. I will make you remember everything, no matter what it takes.

Even if it means that I will have to fight for you,

So you could fall for me over again.

Just wait and see,
I will make you remember, Taehyung.

I'll make you fall in love with me again.

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