Weird Friends Are Best Friends.

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[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

Jungkook: *Annoyed* ... Really, hyung ()?
Hoseok: *Unimpressed* That's it?
Taehyung: Why are all your reactions like this??? It's still something!
Jimin: Yeah... And I thought it would be something cooler...

[Y/N] ... Just when I thought he's remember something important. But this... This was beyond my expectations...

[Th] Everyone looked annoyed (except for Yoongi and y/n. Yoongi was lying on the chair, completely unimpressed while y/n buried her face in her palms, so I couldn't see her expression). Why are they like that??? I remembered something, and they all act like I said they're all stupid??? Are you sure these are your best friends, Taehyung...?

Yoongi: *Poker face* Out of all things you could remember, you remembered the dumbest one.
Taehyung: It's still as important as the others, you know?
Jimin: Oh yeah~! I'm sure that memory of you building a churro castle with Hoseok and Seokjinie is super~ important.
Namjoon: Why would you even make a castle out of churro???
Jin: ... Oh, I remembered it, too!

We all turned around to Jin hyung (), even more unimpressed than before.

Taehyung: 'Who lost their memories again...?'
Hoseok: ... Sometimes I really wonder who's the youngest one here...
Yoongi: And dumbest.
Jin: Ya ()! Just because he lost memories doesn't mean I can't forget anything, you know!?
Namjoon: Okay, Jinie, chill. No matter how dumb this memory actually is, it's still-
Taehyung: Why dumb? I think it was really cool.
Namjoon: Because, why the hell would you make a churro castle? What was in your heads when you thought of that idea- *Sigh* Never mind... As I was saying, no matter how... Questionable that memory is, it's still something. Better something than nothing, right?
Yoongi: Yeah, only this is one of those times when it's better nothing than something.
Taehyung: *Annoyed* Thanks, Yoongi...
Jungkook: Wait, and you said you remembered it after staring at this snowglobe?

He lifts up the snowglobe that was in my hands a few minutes ago while frowning and raising his eyebrow.

Taehyung: ... Yes. That is correct.
Jimin: (Holding his laughter) Pfft, lol, were you staring at it to see a prediction of your churro castle back then?
Taehyung: I'll kill you all one day.
Hoseok: Alright, alright. Let's just accept it. He remembered something, and that's good!
Yoongi: *Shrugging* I don't know. In my opinion, it's still better if he remembered nothing than... That.

I turned around to see what would y/n say because she said nothing at all, but when I turned around, I regretted it the moment I laid my eyes on her.

Taehyung: '... Shouldn't have turned around...'

She was quietly dying in the whole situation, and everyone else noticed that. After her, Jimin and Jin joined her.

Jungkook: (At y/n) Why are you laughing!?
Taehyung: 'Stop pretending like you're mad, Jungkook-ah. I can hear by your voice that you're about to die from laughter too.'
Y/N: *Laughing* I-I'm sorry, it's just- too funny- to handle hahaha!
Namjoon: What's so funny about that?
Y/N: (Laughing even more) You should have hahaha his-his phahahaha! Omg so iconic!

Because she was laughing while talking, no one (at least the ones who were still serious (more or less), which were Yoongi, Namjoon and I, everyone else ended up dying from laughter because y/n was laughing too) understood what she was trying to say, so we asked her to calm down.. Well, at least a little bit.

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