Your Number.

21 2 0

[Taehyung's P.O.V.]


A-a flea!? Did she really just call me a flea!!??
Ha, this girl is really something.

Y/N: I have to head home now
Taehyung: 'Does it look like I care?'
Y/N: Otherwise I'll have to spend more time with you.
Taehyung: You forgot the umbrella!
Y/N: You can have it. Otherwise, you'll get the cold instead. It's nice of you to protect the dog, but you should take care of yourself too sometimes.
Taehyung: I just don't get it why are you so nice to me when you actually hate me.
Y/N: I don't hate you. I never said that...
Y/N: But I don't like you either.

[End of flashback]

Uuugh why can't I still fall asleep!? Why do I keep thinking of her!?
I switched my gaze onto the umbrella.

Taehyung: ...

It was very cute, it really reminded of spring. I looked back up on the ceiling of my room.

Taehyung: *Sigh* I should return this to her...

... As well as that number. I don't want any more misfortunes in my life. She's enough already.
The next day the boys and I were practicing our songs at Yoongi's house, as well as the day after that, so I only managed to visit y/n's house three days later.

*Ding Dong*

Y/N: Coming, coming!

I heard someone stomping down the stairs. It sounded like an elephant.
Then, she finally opened the door. When she saw me, she looked very surprised.

Y/N: Oh? What are you doing here?

I noticed that she was wearing a robe, and underneath that, she had a baby blue pajama with baby pink hearts. It was really cute, but seeing her like this made me for some reason nervous.

Taehyung: (rubbing my neck) I-uh... The umbrella...

She tilted her head, looking at me confused. Then she looked down on my hands and saw the umbrella that I was holding.

Y/N: Oh! Did you come all the way here just to give me an umbrella?
Taehyung: 'Yes...'
Taehyung: No, I- well-... Aah!

She raised her eyebrow, looking at me with the expression "The hell is wrong with you?"

Taehyung: Anyway... Why are you wearing a pajama? Don't you feel any shame that a guy sees you?
Y/N: A guy? Where?

She began to look around her, completely ignoring me.

Y/N: I see no guys here.
Taehyung: *Annoyed* ...
Y/N: Well, I got sick after that day, so I'm recovering.
Taehyung: Oh... *Quietly* Sorry...
Y/N: It's okay though, I'm almost well so- Achoo!

I got a bit startled by that. I didn't expect her to sneeze, but I have to admit, she looked kind of funny, in a good way.

Y/N: As I was saying... I'm all better now.
Taehyung: *Sarcastically* Yeah... I can see that... Here's your umbrella.
Y/N: Thanks, but

I was about to give it to her, but then I heard that she has something more to say, so I was waiting patiently.

Y/N: I don't need it.
Taehyung: ... What?
Y/N: Yeah. I buy them so I can give them to others. I don't usually use umbrellas.
Taehyung: ... So, you're trying to tell me that I traveled all the way here... Only to find out that you don't need the umbrella? Is that what you're trying to say?
Y/N: Sorry...
Taehyung: You got to be kidding me... Ah! And one more thing, I almost forgot.

She looked at me curiously. I took her hand and handed her a piece of paper. She saw it and made a confused expression.

Taehyung: Take it back. I don't need any more misfortunes when I already have you.
Y/N: I wouldn't give it to you if it wasn't necessary. I gave this to all of you in case I will have to go somewhere so I would be able to inform at least one of you.

So it was her who gave me the number after all. At first, I thought it was Jungkook who wrote down the number because she didn't write it for me, but now as she said it, it was her.

Y/N: Take it back.
Taehyung: No.
Y/N: I said take it.
Taehyung: And I said no.
Y/N: Ugh.

She grabbed my hand and forced a paper into my hand.

Y/N: Fighting with a sick person...
Taehyung: *Smirking* Oh, really? I thought you said you're all better now, no?
Y/N: *Irritated* ... Just keep it, it's not like I'll- Achoo!

I was waiting until she finishes her sentence, but she didn't.

Y/N: You should go, otherwise you'll catch a cold too. Thanks for coming, even though it was in vain...
Taehyung: No it wasn't.

She looked at me confused. I took my umbrella and slightly hit her on the head.

Y/N: Ouch! What was that for!?
Taehyung: *Poker face* That was for dragging me all the way here and then telling me that it was in vain.
Y/N: But I didn't-

I then hit her again (not severely of course).

Taehyung: This is for cursing me with your phone number. I destroyed my shoes because of that.
Y/N: What the hell-

And then I did it for the last time, before placing it on her arm.

Taehyung: And this is for acting all cool and tough & then getting yourself sick. Bye.

I could see with the corner of my eyes that she looked completely stunned.
I stopped and slightly turned around to her for the last time.

Taehyung: Also get well soon. It's not fun when you see someone being sick.
Y/N: (slightly smiling) Hmph. Thanks, flea.
Taehyung: *Annoyed* Tch. And I wanted to be nice for once... Whatever. Bye now.
Y/N: Bye.

After a long day, I jumped on my bed and took my phone.

Taehyung: If I want to get rid of the paper I'll just write the number on my phone then.

I wrote down her number, then checked it 5 times, just to make sure that I didn't mess up something.

Taehyung: And... Saved!

I threw away the paper as soon as I could. After I came back to my phone, I looked at the number. Something inside of me felt so happy, that I couldn't help but evilly smirk to myself.

Taehyung: Heh. Just wait and see, y/n. I'll make you feel sorry for being such a jerk towards me. Just wait and see...


New contact added: IT. The Cute Jerk



Hello, lovelies~! Thank you so much for reading my stories (if you can even call them that lol), I am really happy that there is someone out there who actually likes this (and not only this, my other stories too! If you don't know yet, you can go and check them out! Hehe ^-^ <3).

Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that sometimes there won't be Y/N P.O.V. or Taehyung's P.O.V., in some chapters, I would write both of their P.O.V's (like what they think), so don't be confused when you see that. XD

That's all I wanted to say. ^-^
Please stay well. It's autumn and in some countries (like in this one) it may be really cold, so please take good care of your health. ^-^ <3
Have a nice weekend, eat a lot of delicious food and enjoy your day! ^-^
Love Yourself. Love Myself. Peace. <3

P.S. Sorry if this chapter was too short, compared to other ones. :(

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