That's Not What I Meant...

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Namjoon: (Holding a tray) ... When you said you'll get along well, this is not what I was thinking of...
Jin: (Leaning on his arm) Yeah... I think it was better when they couldn't stand each other...
Taehyung: You think you smart!? Well you're wrong!
Y/N: Well I'm not that dumb to even speak incorrectly!
Yoongi: (Drinking champagne) Why? I think it's fun to watch. 
Jin: (Raising his head and looking at Yoongi confused) Where'd you get that?
Yoongi: She had some in the fridge.
Namjoon: I hope it was open.
Yoongi: Don't worry. There's another bottle there. 
Namjoon: *Confused* Wait... But y/n doesn't drink.
Jin: It's probably for her dad.
Lisa: Actually, those are mine.

They all looked up only to find Lisa who just entered the house and was taking her coat off.

Yoongi: Oh, hi. Want some?
Lisa: Hell yeah I want.
Jin: You drink???
Lisa: Sometimes.
Y/N: I won!
Taehyung: Lies! You always cheat! Go away and play with Jungkook!
Y/N: I don't want to! I want to burn you in this game and make you feel the loss!
Taehyung: Pha! Try me, peasant!
Lisa: (Looking at us) ... Um... What are they doing?
Yoongi: (Playing with his drink) They're playing monopoly.
Lisa: Omg after her birthday they became so scary. I'm worried about them.
Yoongi: Nah, let them be. It's quite a view.
Taehyung: You know we can hear you all, right?
Y/N: Stop distracting us, please. I'm in the middle of winning.
Taehyung: Ha! You're in the middle of delusion, sweetheart.
Y/N: Tell that to yourself, *Mocking* honey!

I kept glaring at him.
After my birthday, Tae and I got quite close, but... Maybe not in the way we thought...?
Now, instead of being all "I hate you" "I can't stand you" we have finally upgraded to something you could call "Competitive friends". Well, at least we made some progress, right...?

Hoseok: Guys! Look what I found at my house!
Jungkook: *Curious* What? What?
Hoseok: Tada~!
All (Except for Taehyung & Y/N): Woah~!
Taehyung: *Frowning* ... Is that a diaper?
Y/N: *Unimpressed* Looks more like someone's failure in life... Or a cabbage.
Hoseok: *Offended* That's a backpack, you idiots! 
Y/N: And what exactly is so cool about it?
Hoseok: Well...

He then began to look into his so-called backpack while we all stared at it with curiosity, expecting something cool and awesome to come out of it.

Hoseok: *Laughing* Tada~!
Jimin & Y/N: *Mad* YA ()!

He took out a printed picture of Jimin and me doing some dumb stuff. I was sure that we deleted the picture, so I have no idea how does that still exist. The two of us rashly stood up and chased after him to get that picture back and burn it.

Jimin: (Laughing while still mad) Where did you get it!?
Hoseok: *Proud* You know my sister can be a hacker sometimes! 
Jimin: Aish I hate you!
Y/N: Hoseok-ah give it back!
Hoseok: No way in hell haha- Hey!

He was running near Taehyung, who was just standing there in the middle of the room, with a facial expression as if he saw the most boring movie that exists on Earth. Thanks to that, he just calmly grabbed that picture and took a look at it.

Taehyung: ... Y/N looks like a carrot.

Everyone burst in laughter. He said it with such a blank expression and with a monotone voice that it was even funnier (for most of them). I just looked at him annoyed while Jimin was lying on the ground crying his soul out from all the laughter.

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