Jim Min, Jimin... Mean Gym? (Jimin's Crush)

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[Yoongi's P.O.V.]

It's been 3 and a half days since Jimin-ah didn't come to our rehearsals and dance practices. It feels weird.

Namjoon: Hyung ().

She's really clumsy, so what if she trips somewhere and ends up breaking her arm or leg? Oh my God, what if she died and that's the reason she's not coming!?

Jin: Suga!
Yoongi: What?
Jungkook: Wow. He actually answered.
Jimin: *Laughing* After 10th call.
Yoongi: What do you want?
Namjoon: Are you okay? You've been zoned out since we arrived here.
Yoongi: Yeah, whatever. I'm fine.

Time went slower than usual. It was annoying. When Jimin-ah was here it was more entertaining and I never had to worry if anything could happen to her because I knew she was here and that I could keep an eye on her. Now that she's not here I don't even know whether I should call the police or an ambulance in case something went wrong... Or both...

Hoseok: You're both so weird today. Are you sick?
Jimin: Lol you think they're even listening to you?
Jungkook: Yeah. Taehyung's literally eating that piece of pasta for the 5th time already.

I glanced at Taehyung only to see him pick the pasta that fell back into the plate and attempt to eat it for who knows what time while staring at it.
What an idiot.

Jin: (Shaking him) Ya, Taehyung-ah (야, 태형아)!
Taehyung: Mm? Is the practice over already?
Jungkook: *Amazed* Wow. And he's been thinking of that the whole time?
Namjoon: (Holding back his laughter) Yeah, good morning. We've been eating lunch for an hour now... Thanks to you two.
Jin: *Eating* Meh, I don't mind.
Yoongi: Why are you including me into this? It's not my fault this moron keeps on eating this pitiful piece of pasta for who knows what time in a row.

Embarrassed, he finally came back to his senses as he looked down at his plate, staring at the pasta he's been "eating" this whole time.

Jungkook: Yeah, hyung (), if you saw yourself you'd call yourself retard, then.
Yoongi: *Glaring* Mworago ((뭐라고) What/What did you say?)?
Jungkook: Just a little hint, there's a spaghetti sticking up your forehead.

Giving me a completely done look, he continued eating after stating that as everyone else began laughing like crazy... I hate myself for this, but for the first time in my entire life, I agree with what Jungkook has just said- compared to Taehyung, I'm a complete retard.

Hoseok: *Laughing* You two are definitely out of this world!
Jimin: What were you even thinking of that made you so zoned out?
Jungkook: Yeah, what is it? Who stole your attention to the point you even forgot how to function as human beings?
Jin: *Smirking* Ha. Wait until they find out they're on Earth.
Namjoon: So what is it?

No one said anything. I expected Taehyung to say something, but all he did was stare at his pathetic plate (it looked just pitiful) so the room was in silence for some time (since everyone else expected some answers).

Taehyung: (Still staring at his food) ... Y/N's not here again.
Yoongi: 'Ah. Right... Y/N's not here either, I completely forgot. I feel bad now.'
Namjoon: *Teasing* Ah, right. Our lonely knight cannot live a day without his lovely maid.
Taehyung: It's not funny, I'm being serious... (A bit quieter) And it's been 3 and a half days, not one.
Jungkook: *Surprised* Wow, you even count?

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