At His House.

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Daehyun: Isn't this better, though?
Hoseok: Nah, I don't think so.
Daehyun: Are you sure?
Taehyung: Yeah, are you sure?
Hoseok: *Proud* Trust your hyung () on this one.

If you thought they were doing something like reading books or solving mysteries then I congratulate you... You have been fooled.

Taehyung: *Whine* Ah~ hyung ()~! I can't believe you did this!
Daehyun: Yeah... And I thought you're the smart one...
Hoseok: Excuse me!? I AM the smart one!
Daehyun: Yeah right. Losing in the game meant for 6-year-old children is super smart.
Hoseok: (To me) Ya (), your kid is too mean! Do something!
Y/N: I can't. It's not my fault he was born intelligent.
Taehyung: How high is your IQ, Daenie?
Daehyun: 144.
Hoseok & Taehyung: No way for real!?
Jin: *Impressed* Waah this kid is as smart as Joon!
Daehyun: Thank you.

After meeting Tae, Daehyun ended up meeting with other members too and surprisingly, they got close pretty soon... Ok maybe even too soon.

Taehyung: Come play with us, y/n!
Y/N: Leave me alone, I'm studying.
Hoseok: Really? Aren't we distracting you, then?
Daehyun: Nah, she's just afraid she'll lose against us since there are more brains on our side.
Taehyung: *Touched* Wow you think we have brains???
Daehyun: ... Sometimes I highly doubt that but yes, unfortunately, I do.
Jin: (Hugging Daehyun) You were raised so well! I'm so proud of you, Daenie!
Daehyun: Stop- you're choking me-
Yoongi: Yeah, stop trying to get on his good side because we all know who's his favorite.
Jin: *Annoyed* Stop boasting it's getting on my nerves.
Yoongi: *Smirk* That's why I want to do it even more.
Taehyung: Daenie, who's your favorite buddy out of us?
Daehyun: Yoongi.

That's when loud screams of whales and gorillas could be heard as Taehyung was fake crying and others screaming, to which Yoongi just looked proud at Daehyun and rubbed his hair as I wanted to burn them all...

Hoseok: Why him???
Taehyung: Yeah! Why him!? Am I not your friend!?
Daehyun: You are, but Yoongi is the most normal out of all of you.
Jin: Pha, lies! You just don't know him that long to state that!
Yoongi: (Shout-whispers to Jin) Shh!
Hoseok: That's right! And what about Namjoon?
Daehyun: (The "Are you kidding me?" face) Are you serious? He breaks things without touching them. I bet he could drown while attempting washing the dishes.
Hoseok: *Laughing* Phahaha that's so true!
Jin: (Windshield laugh) He can't even cut onions properly!
Daehyun: Are you sure his IQ is 148?
Taehyung: *Shrugging*
Y/N: *Exhale* You four came here to help me study, didn't you?
Hoseok: Yeah?
Y/N: Then why the hell are you yelling as if you plan on transplanting your lungs into space???
Daehyun: Go outside and study if we're bothering you that much.
Yoongi: Well said.
Y/N: *Sigh* I thought at least you'd help me out...
Daehyun: *Shrugging* Sorry, sis.
Y/N: Whatever.

I stood up and was about to leave the house with my textbooks and notes. Gosh, can't even get any peace and quiet at my own house anymore.
Taehyung gently patted Daehyun on the back. When he turned around, Tae quietly spoke to him.

Taehyung: So... I'm not your favorite?
Daehyun: I like you all equally... Kind of.
Taehyung: (Giving me glares) Yeah... Just like your sister.
Y/N: Ugh will you stop it?

He said nothing. Instead, he just kept on glaring at me as if he was trying to send me a message through telepathy until Daenie didn't pat Taehyung on the shoulder, so he finally averted his eyes from me and faced the boy instead.

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