Unexpected Call.

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Lisa: Uuuugh~! How come you won again!?
Y/N: *Sigh* It's not like I wanted to...

Another game.
These past few days I don't feel like doing anything: Sleeping, talking, eating, and let alone this...

Lisa: *Sigh* ... I know how you feel, y/n but hey~, cheer up~.
Y/N: Hmph. You say that as if it's easy.
Lisa: It's not easy, y/n, no one said that...

Why am I even here?
Oh, right... Because I was dragged into this place.
Lisa was my best friend since we were 9. We would always hang out together, do the weirdest things together, and most importantly, we were always there for each other.
When her mother died from cancer, no one except for our family came to her funeral. No one was there.
I don't know why, but people hated them so much.
I, at first, thought that too, but after I got to know her, I regret that a lot.
It's sad how people misunderstand those who should be most cherished.
Since that day, we became so close, we trusted each other like no one in the entire universe will ever do.
I know how much effort she puts to cheer me up, and I am truly grateful for that because otherwise I would've been crushed already, but the state I'm now can't disappear even after playing my favorite games...

Y/N: ...I'm scared, Lisa...

She rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

Lisa: I know... Me too...

I embraced her back. I'm so glad that it was her that I am this close to.
After some time she gently pulled me away, still holding my shoulders.

Lisa: My, my! Just look at that skinny face! You look like a Dart Vader!

I chuckled a little. Aaah she really knows exactly what to say to make me feel alive again.

Lisa: Let's eat at least something. *Jokingly* I don't want to be questioned around the town about a skeleton walking around me.
Y/N: I'm not that hungry though...

She gave me a death glare, and once you see that, boy you don't want to mess with this chick. She can turn from a cutie into a bada$$ real quick.

Y/N: ... On second thought... Maybe I should...-
Lisa: Great! Just look how much weight you lost!

And then she pulled me out of the play store to grab some food.

~At A Cafe~

Y/N: Lisa...?
Lisa: Mm?
Y/N: Do you really think this is right?

She still looked at me, waiting for me to finish my thought.

Y/N: I mean, sitting with my arms crossed like this, while he's there... I'm worried...
Lisa: About what?

She would always ask me to give her my reasons for everything, as she said 'Because I can understand you better.' so I decided to obey her.

Y/N: What if they're not feeding him well? What if he's still sleeping? *Gasp* What if he never wakes up???

She finally put down her pizza slice.

Lisa: Listen to me, y/n. That man is strong. There's no chance he wouldn't wake up. Besides, people will feed him well, and if he's still sleeping, then that means that he will wake up any time soon. Because he's not someone who would give up on his life that easily.
Y/N: You're right, but...

She put her soft and warm hand on top of mine.

Lisa: *Gentle smile* He would never leave you, y/n. You know that.

I lowered my head, looking at the empty plate.

Lisa: You know how much I admire him. Not only because he was my first crush, but also because he gave his entire life to none other than my best friend that is like a sister to me! I feel so proud. For both of you.

I finally let out a slight smile.

Y/N: ... You're right... He is strong.

After that, we chatted for a while until my phone rang. Lisa looked at me with curious eyes, so I quickly picked up.

Y/N: 여보세요*? ((Yeoboseyo?)Halo? Who is this?)
Unknown: It's me.
Y/N: Oh! Miss Kim! Hello, how is-
Mrs. Kim: He's awake.

Both Lisa and I heard that, and we both wore shocked expressions.

Y/N: W-we'll be right there.

And then the call ended.

Lisa: We should hurry.

We took our things and left as soon as possible since we paid for food before getting it.
Lisa drove really fast.
Even though I often get motion sickness whenever I'm riding any kind of transport, this time I couldn't feel anything. The only thing I felt was worrying, fear and hope.

Y/N: 'Please be well, Taehyung. Please be well...'

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