Jimin's Birthday Present.

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[Namjoon's P.O.V.]

During the game...

Wow. Well this is entertaining.

Y/N: Please, please don't tell anyone about this, especially not Taehyung.
Namjoon: *Chuckle* Alright, I won't. This is going to be so interesting. Good luck, y/n. Fighting!
Y/N: *Smile* Thanks, Joon.
Taehyung: (A bit irritated) Stop hanging on her like she's a clothing hanger.

Great. Now I know how both of them feel. But... Since Taehyung likes y/n and she likes Taehyung, shouldn't I just tell them?
... Nah, this will be way more fun. This way, they'll figure it out on their own... I hope.


Namjoon: '... What the hell were those four doing that day?'
Jimin: Um... Y/N? Can I... Talk to you for a sec?

She kept on looking at Tae practicing the dance moves with Suga hyung () accompanied by Jimin-ah. How adorable.

Jimin: ... Y/N-ah?
Y/N: (Finally turning around to him) Huh? What?
Jimin: Can I... Can we talk for a second, please?
Y/N: Yeah, sure.

I glanced at Tae- he followed her with his eyes. I could see he was irritated.
Wow, I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this. I sound so evil... But this is so fun!

Jimin: I brought her, hyung ().
Namjoon: Good.
Y/N: *Confused* Why- why do you sound like you brought me to an interrogation? I'm kind of scared.
Jin: We'd like to ask you for a favor, y/n.
Y/N: What's the favor?
Jimin: Can you... Please- aaargh I can't do this!

And then he dashed away to keep Jimin-ah some company.
I looked at Jinnie... Yeah, bad idea.

Jin: Don't look at me like that, I ain't doing it.
Namjoon: *Poker face* Then why are you even here?
Jin: To watch, obviously. Why else?
Namjoon: *Sigh* Why does all the dirty work has to be done by me?
Y/N: Omg did you kill someone!?
Namjoon: No, idiot... But you probably won't like this.
Y/N: Huh? Why?

Gosh, now I understand how Jimin felt, this is way harder than I hoped it would be!

Namjoon: ... Y/N?
Y/N: *Puzzled* ... Yes?
Namjoon: ... Can you... Sigh... Can you please stop bringing Jimin-ah over to our practice room?
Y/N: Huh? What, why?
Jin: Gosh, this is too painful to watch.
Namjoon: *Annoyed* Shut up, you're enjoying this the most, aren't you?
Jin: *Shameless* Oops, caught red-handed.
Y/N: *Confused* I still don't get why, though. Did something bad happen?
Namjoon: No... It's just that-
Jin: It's because of Yoongi.
Namjoon: Thank you.
Y/N: ... Yoongi?
Y/N: 'Hah, does this mean one of them actually made some moves???'
Namjoon: Yeah. I don't know what were the four of you doing that day but ever since then he's not acting like himself.
Y/N: Clarify, please.
Namjoon: Whenever Jimin-ah's here he can't focus on anything and we always mess things up. And whenever there's a meeting he always finds an excuse to not go. I personally don't mind him being caring or whatever, but we're not doing that great as a group to begin with, we don't want to have more troubles with that.
Jin: Hey, just because we're not well-known yet doesn't mean we're not great!
Namjoon: Jin, we're barely even known.
Y/N: (Patting me with a reassuring smile) I'm sure you'll get well-known pretty soon.
Jin: *Smiling* Thanks.
Y/N: And as for those two... Hm, I don't even know. We weren't together that day, they separated before I arrived.
Jin: *Shook* What, really???

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