I Like You.

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[Seokjin's P.O.V.]

I don't know how long has it been, probably 5 months since we debuted?
Everyone has changed a lot since then, but those two, still...

Namjoon: *Confused* Since when are you so fond of sitting next to me?
Lisa: Yeah, don't you like always sitting with y/n-?
Taehyung: (Red from head to toe) I just want to sit here, that's all!
Namjoon: Uh... Okay?
Yoongi: ... The heck?
Hoseok: *Surprised* Y/N?
Y/N: (Redder than Taehyung, awkwardly laughing) I decided to bring some changes into my life, haha!
Yoongi: So you decided to sit next to us instead of Taehyung...?
Y/N: Well, it's not like he'll die or anything right?
Hoseok: (Glancing at Yoongi) I mean I don't mind, but...
Yoongi: Fine, stay here. As long as you don't wake me up from my naps and bother me for every single dumb thing then we're fine.
Y/N: (Hugging him) Thank you so much, Sugie!
Yoongi: Yeah, yeah, I'm the best now let go of m- what did you just call me?
Jin: *Laughing* Ahahahaha Sugie hahaha how cute!
Yoongi: (Glaring at me) Shut up. (To y/n, glaring) And don't call me that again if you don't want to sit on the floor.
Y/N: Yeah, yeah, whatever, thanks.

Ever since that trip, those two were avoiding each other as if they'd die if they ever touched or breathed the same air. The four of us were watching this mess unfold... How I wish I didn't agree to go to Jimin's place with them...

Jimin: What's wrong with them?
Jungkook: They've been acting like this since we came back from that trip.
Jimin: You think they fought or something?
Mark: I don't think so.
Jimin: How can you be so sure?
Jungkook: We know her more than you do, hyung ().
Mark: Because if she was really mad at him, she wouldn't even bother coming to this trip.
Jin: I think it's something else...
Jungkook: (Innocently) Why are they all burning red?
Jin: Global warming.
Jungkook: Oh.
Mark: (Quietly to me) I hope he knows it was a joke... Right?
Jin: I don't think so. He's always taking everything literally, so it's fun to tease him.
Mark: You're a true definition of evil, you know that?
Jin: (Proud 'hell yeah I know' face) I know.
Jimin: Could it be because of what he said to us back then?
Mark: You mean when he went to see the doctor?
Jimin: Yea.
Mark: I don't know, it could be...
Jin: Whatever it is, let's not meddle into that. It's their own business and all we can do is watch... Might as well enjoy it while we're at it.
Jungkook: 'Enjoy'?
Jin: It's going to be hella entertaining, I can feel it in my bones!
Jimin: Hyung (), you can be really weird sometimes...
Jungkook: Lol what are you talking about? He's weird all the time!
Jin: (Throwing my snack at him) I can hear you, brat! Don't talk behind my back as if I'm not here!
Jungkook: Ouch! Sorry, sorry!
Jimin: 'These two are really worrying me... I hope everything's okay...'

[Nj] "The man spent his lonely time alone in the shabby castle, hidden away. He received a lot of hate and denunciations from his birth and when he was growing up, perhaps, because of this very reason, he never opened his heart to anyone and if someone tried to approach him, he would get angry and hide. One of his only delights in life was tending to the flowers in the garden, and that is the beginning of the story of a young man, but little did he know that-"***

Taehyung: *Quietly* Yo, hyung ().

I lift my eyes to look at him. I was still confused about the whole situation, but I don't think right now was the perfect time to question him that.

Namjoon: What is it, Tae?
Taehyung: Do bananas camouflage their maturity or do they change it like their clothing or something?

... What the f(lower)?...
I deeply inhaled and let out a long sigh as I closed the book I was peacefully reading not too long ago (*** those are a few lines from my upcoming book btw so look forward to it! Shameless promo I know XD- A/N) and dedicated my entire attention to him... And his utterly stupid question.

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