Happy Birthday!

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Mark: Hurry up, hurry up!
Hoseok: You're going to be late at this rate!
Jungkook: Ugh, I know, so will you please spare me all these unnecessary comments!?
Namjoon: Jungkook you have less than eight minutes!
Jungkook: Shoot!

If you're wondering what's going on, then... It's September 1st. Yup, summer has passed that fast...
Which means it's the first day of school... Yay~... I want to die right now...
But aside from school, today is a very special day. Why, you ask? Well, it's because today is Jungkook's birthday!

Y/N: 'Poor boy... And he has to go to school...'

I prepared a long time ago, so I helped Bangtan to help Jungkook who was really nervous to the point he actually forgot that it was his own birthday. This is my final year, while Kookie is now my junior.

Jin: The breakfast's ready!

He yelled out from the kitchen, informing us all that we can all go and eat, including Jungkook who was running around the house like crazy.

Jungkook: *Shouting* Are you kidding me? That's the last thing I have to worry about!
Jin: (Shouting from the kitchen, fast and mad) Listen here! I don't care if you'll get late or not! You WILL eat what I tell you to! Now get your ungrateful ass over here and eat before I'll stuff it all into your mouth and choke you while I'm at it!
Jungkook: Ugh FINE!

Everyone could hear him stomp from his room to the kitchen because he was obviously mad.
While some of them tried their best to hold their laughter because he was acting like a child, Jin was looking angry at the kitchen entrance while wearing the apron and holding a ladle.
After a few moments, Jungkook entered into the kitchen and aggressively sat at the table and ate the food. It didn't take him long to calm down and eat calmly. When we all finished Jungkook apologized to Jin, thanked for the food and went back to his room to look for his textbook.

Namjoon: How can he get ready so long...? Y/N, how can you stand this?
Y/N: I'm curious too...
Jimin: *Laughing* You're a girl and you still got ready faster than him.
Taehyung: (A bit irritated) Whoever made those stereotypes, they don't always have to be true, you know?
Hoseok: Ohoho~! Are you protecting y/n right now???
Taehyung: *Annoyed* No. I'm just saying that everyone is different.
Y/N: *To myself* Still thanks.
Taehyung: (Whispering to me) Shut up...
Y/N: Just admit it already. No one will kill you.
Taehyung: *Mutter* My pride will.
Yoongi: Jk!
Y/N: 'Jk???'
Jungkook: (Shouting from his room) What?
Yoongi: I found it!
Jungkook: Finally!
Y/N: (Looking at my watch) Kookie, we need to go!
Taehyung: 'Kookie???'
Jungkook: Coming, coming!

I was about to open the door and wait for him outside when someone gently grabbed my wrist which made me a bit confused as I turned around to meet Jin's face.

Jin: Wait, y/n. 
Y/N: What is it, Jin?

[Th] I was leaning on the door, watching those two. When y/n turned around to face Seokjin hyung (), I couldn't help but notice something.

Taehyung: 'She's wearing the hair tie I gave her.'
Jin: Could you please give this to Jungkook? It's his school lunch.
Y/N: Oh. Okay, sure. I'll give it to him. 
Jin: *Smiling* Thank you. Also, I made one for you, too.
Y/N: You didn't really have to-
Taehyung: Yeah, hyung (). You didn't have to.

[Y/N] I looked annoyed at him as he sent me a smirk, then I took the lunch bag from Jin's hands, smiling at him.

Y/N: Thank you so much... Ah! I forgot to give you this!

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