In My Eyes Pt. 1

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[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

After that incident with that crazy woman, luckily, I didn't see her anymore.
I was at my place, hanging out with Jimin, who just came into my house. Uninvited...
I was lying on the floor, telling him what happened with that psychopath, while he was lying on my bed, doing something on his phone and moving his feet up and down.
Seeing no reaction from him, I already started assuming that he wasn't listening to me at all.

Taehyung: *Annoyed* ... Bro. Are you even listening?
Jimin: (still looking at his phone) Sure I do~!
Taehyung: *Smirking* Then what did I just say?

He sighed and put his phone down. Then, he sat up straight and started talking with the speed of the sun. He was talking so fast that I was barely able to catch up with what he was saying.

Jimin: You had a fight with Namjoon and you got so frustrated that you decided to go to the arcade store and wanted to relieve some stress by playing games, you saw the game Overwatch and wanted to play it but a weird girl was like *Imitating* "No oppa (오빠) I came first~!" and then you decided to block the game, you came home and talked with Namjoon and you resolved your problems and you reconciled, after that some time passed and you still couldn't stop thinking about her and you felt sorry for your stupid actions so you came to the conclusion that you'll apologize to her if you'll see her again, then the next day you had to bring some papers to our dorm but they all fell and a kind girl helped you but it turned out it was that same girl that you met at the arcade store and all of a sudden your blood started to boil so you got mad for no reason but back then you had a reason and you never saw her since then. Happy?

Wow. I was actually pretty impressed that he remembered ALMOST everything that I have said.

Taehyung: ... Well, first of all, no one said *Impersonating a girl* "No oppa ((오빠) Honorific that younger girls use towards older males) I came here first~!", second, you said that I was thinking about her all the time, and that wasn't true at all!
Jimin: *Annoyed* ... Does that even matter?
Taehyung: Of course it does! The worst thing is- her looks don't match her personality AT ALL!
Jimin: *Curious* How's that?
Taehyung: She looks so irritating like whenever I see her I just want to explode into pieces and fly myself into the sun and my blood starts to boil hotter than the sun so I get mad at her but when I don't see her I suddenly get extremely calm and feel like an idiot afterward because I yelled at her for no particular reason but the moment I think of her it makes me so mad. Super mad! Aaaaah why does that cute face belong to such trash personality just why!? She looked like she was totally my type! Ugh, I'm so pissed.
Jimin: *Cringing* ... The heck?
Taehyung: If only you could see her, her hair was like silk and she was so adorable and her eyes were so sparkly AAAAAAAGH IT MAKES ME SO MAD I WISH I NEVER SAW THAT IMBECILE AGAIN!!!

There was a moment of silence.

Jimin: ... Dude... I think you have a mental problem.
Taehyung: Are you calling me crazy now!?
Jimin: You say she's cute but at the same time you say she's driving you crazy, like, you like her but you hate her? Does that sound okay to you?
Taehyung: ... Maybe?
Jimin: *Sigh* Whatever. Don't think too much about her, it's not like you'll see each other ever again. Just because you met twice doesn't mean now that you'll see each other almost every single day, right?

He got the point. She's just a stranger, there are millions of people living in Korea, so the chances of seeing her are... On the scale of 1-10... 0,001.

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