In My Eyes Pt. 2

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[Taehyung's P.O.V.]


The day went terribly from that moment. I couldn't stand looking at her, but when we were introducing each other, I had to say something because it would be too rude to ignore her in her own house, and hyungs certainly wouldn't like that...
It's thanks to her that we're here after all... But still...

Taehyung: ... Taehyung.

When we introduced ourselves, she spoke.

Y/N: *Smiling* Nice to meet you. I'm y/n.
Taehyung: 'Her name and voice are kind of cute... Doesn't suit her garbage-ish personality at all...'

Jungkook showed us the garage. It was really big, but I wasn't as intrigued as I was before entering this house anymore.

Jimin: Tae, you look terrible, are you okay???
Namjoon: *Worried* Are you sick?
Taehyung: I'm fine.
Jungkook: Strange. You looked completely healthy not long ago.
Taehyung: I'm fine, guys, really. Let's just start the practice already.
Jungkook: ... Sure.

We were practicing. It went well, I was able to clear out my mind and think straight again. Once the practice was over, we all sat down and rested.

Jin: Aaaaaaaah I'm so tired~!
Jimin: *Panting* Yeah... Tell me about it...
Yoongi: (fanning himself with a fan) Huuh, that was good. We make some progress!
Taehyung: 'Where did he get that fan???'
Namjoon: That's great. Not only this garage is big, but it's also very cozy and neat!
Hoseok: Yeah, we can even practice barefoot!
Jimin: She's really amazing!

I have to admit that without her, we wouldn't be able to practice, and if it wasn't for her, we would either have to spend all our money that we were saving on our concert or we would be forced to practice on the streets, where it's very cold and "they" are there, too...
So I shouldn't be that harsh and cold. She did save us a lot after all, so I should at least do what she says, because of respect.
That's right, Tae, you don't have to talk to her, just do what she says and that's it!

Jk then suggested to go to the kitchen and eat something, and then we would continue our practice. He just bumped into the kitchen while we followed him.

Jungkook: Time for a break!

But at that moment, I saw someone. Her face was too familiar that I didn't even have to remember her. We went to the same middle school together. I remember us being really close friends... And that day when she confessed to me...
After all these years, I finally saw her, and I couldn't believe my own eyes.

Tae: ... Lisa?
Lisa:... Tae... Hyung...
Tae:... Can we... Please talk for a moment?

She looked a bit nervous, and so did I.

Lisa: Yeah... Sure...

And with that, we left.
We were in the backyard, standing in front of each other, awkwardly.
The silence was surrounding us, even choking us, and it was even more and more awkward...

Taehyung: 'Damn it! Why did I even invite her outside? What did I want to tell her again?'
Lisa: So... How are you?

I snapped out of my thoughts. She spoke first. I was so nervous that I began to rub the back of my neck, looking like a complete idiot.

Taehyung: A-ah. Okay, I guess... What about you?
Lisa: I'm great, thank you.

I was so nervous that I couldn't find the right words to answer her simple question.

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