Old Memories.

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Lisa, Mark and I were waiting for him. Our dear friend that went to study abroad taekwondo and arts like dancing, music, and drawing.
We would always call him "Golden" because there wasn't a thing that he couldn't do.
Airport was full of people, so we made a sign that he would recognize 100%.
While I was daydreaming, Mark and Lisa shake me like crazy.

Mark: It's him! It's him!
Lisa: He's here! Hurry up, the sign!

I hurriedly raised up our sign.
He saw it.
There was "Our Shooky Kookie" written on it, he looked annoyed.

Jungkook: *Sigh & Mutter* Seriously...

We rushed towards him and hugged him.

Lisa: You're back~!
Jungkook: Heheh, yeah. Seems like it.
Mark: Let's go to the car.

Then he greeted him too.

Mark: Nice to see you again, man.
Jungkook: Same here, 형. ((Hyung) honorifics that males use towards older males. Means big brother)

Once we got in the car, Mark drove very gently and nice, while the 2 of us were questioning him.

Y/N: *Excited* So?
Jungkook: *Confused* So?
Y/N: How was it?
Jungkook: Oh, that! It was good. Better than I thought.
Lisa: Was it hard? To study abroad?
Jungkook: At the beginning, it was hard, but I got used to it.
Lisa: How's food there?
Jungkook: Not bad. But I miss our food more.
Y/N: Don't worry, we'll feed you with lots of food. And also...

Lisa and I smirked and each other devilishly.

Y/N & Lisa: ... Did you find a girlfriend???

He was burning red, and that was the sign.

Lisa: NO WAY.
Y/N: How did you meet???
Jungkook: ... At the coffee shop...
Jungkook: S-stop it!

He was so shy and embarrassed that we thought it looked cute, so we kept on with our questions.

Y/N: What is she like???
Jungkook: ... Great...
Lisa: Come on, bro! Talk like you always talk! All of a sudden you became like y/n when being socialized with other people, especially strangers!
Y/N: Lol true.
Lisa: Is she smart? Cute? Funny?... Sexy?
Jungkook: (Burning more and more)... All of that...
Lisa: Awee so cute!

I lightly pinched his cheek.

Y/N: Uwu~! 아이고 ((Aigoo) my, my/oh my) You're such a big boy~!

But then he just smacked my hand.

Jungkook: Stop it I'm not a child!!!

We laughed like crazy. There were so many subjects we talked about.
He sang a song to us and we were speechless. His voice improved so much! Now he sounds like an angel!
Since he couldn't show us any taekwondo or dance moves, we decided to force him to do that when we come home.
Because he didn't have where to stay, he would usually stay at my place, because his mother and my father were childhood friends.
When we finally came home, we took his stuff and moved them to my house.

Mark: There! All set!
Lisa: So... What should we do now?
Y/N: Make him dance, obviously.

Lisa and I exchanged our devilish grins and ran after him, chasing him because he was objecting. In the end, he did what we told him, and we were amazed. Our Kookie grew up so fast.
Later on, we were eating together some things that Lisa prepared.

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