Meeting Simon.

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[Jimin-ah's P.O.V.]

Wow, I still can't believe it...

Yoongi: If it's okay with you, Jim... I want to meet our son.

H-he said "our" son!? Did I hear that right!?

Jimin-ah: O-o-our, I-
Yoongi: Ah, I'm so sorry!

I still looked at him with shock. Is this even happening or am I just in a dream?

Yoongi: I should've asked if it was okay with you for me to say that, first. I acted without thinking, I'm sorry... I had no right to say that...

He looked away, somewhere on the ground.

Jimin-ah: 'So he really meant it... It wasn't a dream...'

Somehow, I still managed to, in the end, smile at him as I hugged this amazing & wonderful human being.

Jimin-ah: That's okay, I was just too happy that I got surprised, that's all. Of course you can meet him.

He was blushing while staring at me with his cat-like eyes. How cute.

Jimin-ah: I'm sure he would be happy to meet you, too.
Yoongi: Really? You think so?
Jimin-ah: *Nod* I know.

The more I looked at him, his face was radiating excitement and curiosity, full of hope that what I said was true.
It made me so happy that I just wanted to jump and fly to heaven with him. This doesn't feel like reality at all, it's as if I'm trapped in a sweet & beautiful dream. Dream called love...

Y/N: Woah, so he's going to meet him???
Jimin-ah: *Happy* Mm! I'm so scared, though. What if Simon will be against it?
Lisa: I'm sure things will work out just great! Simon is a good boy.
Mark: *Nod* And as far as I know, Sugs is actually really good with kids!
Sam: *Shook* He is???
Jimin-ah: Well, I don't doubt that, but...
Lisa: Cheer up, sweetie. Simon is a good boy. He took it all after his mother, after all.
Sam: *Giggle* True.
Taehyung: *Pout* How come you've all seen him except for us? That's not fair!

We all looked at him.

Lisa: Seriously, Tae, what are you doing here.
Mark: I thought you went home or something.
Taehyung: I'm actually here because y/n called me.
Y/N: No I didn't-
Taehyung: Quiet, love. I heard the voice of your heart, so I came.
Y/N: That's just absurd.
Sam: Boy.
Mark: Can't you just admit that you like her already? You're seriously getting on my nerves.
Jimin-ah, Sam & Lisa: Same here.

Both Tae & y/n became quiet, burning like crazy. Well, even if he might not remember it, I guess his feelings are still the same- always manage to get the best of him. Every single time.

Sam: On a serious note, though, sis.
Jimin-ah: Mm?
Sam: When are you going to introduce him to the rest of the guys?
Lisa: Yeah, I'm actually curious, too.
Jimin-ah: I don't know yet. I think after he meets Yoongi.
Mark: What are your plans, then?

The two of us decided to meet next week, when Simon's holidays were taking place.

Jimin-ah: Honey, I'm home~!
Simon: Mommy!

The bundle of joy ran towards me as it jumped right into my arms.

Jimin-ah: Aah, I missed you so much, Minnie!
Simon: I missed you too, mom!
Jimin-ah: How was my good boy? How was kindergarten?
Simon: Great! Madeline and I drew this, look!
Jimin-ah: Oh? Let's see what you drew! Are you hungry, by the way? Want me to cook something for you?

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