Our First Spring Pt.2

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Lisa: So that's what happened~! Now I see why you were so angry... (Leaning forward) But are you sure it wasn't a child???
Y/N: *Sigh* How many times should I tell you that it was a man? ... (Stroking back my hair) Besides he was the same height as me...

We were on the train to our houses. I had to go and finish packing because I had a trip.

Lisa: Yeah... That's quite the story... Neither one of you managed to play the game...
Y/N: Now that I think of it I should've just let him play that stupid game... He looked really upset...
Lisa: Really?
Y/N: *Nod*

She looked as if she was thinking.

Lisa: Well, to be honest, I think your reason for fighting was quite... Stupid.
Y/N: (Collapsing on the table that was between us) I knew you would say that... Now that I think about it, we were worse than children...
Lisa: But hey! You'll never meet him again!
Y/N: I hope so...

I don't want to see that person and remember that embarrassing moment. Seriously what got into me!?
I acted as if my life depended on it!
I still can't stand that jerk, but I think I was too harsh towards him, especially towards someone that I don't even know...
Ugh, y/n you're such an idiot sometimes...

Lisa: Hey! Cheer up! It's not like you'll meet him again, you know?
Y/N: *Sigh* I guess you're right...

We started talking. We talked about a lot of things: About our school, some weird things like what if aliens will come to Earth, and you know, casual things best friends talk about until we didn't (somehow) end up on this topic...

Lisa: So... Who was your first crush?
Y/N: (sipping my juice) Hm? My crush?
Lisa: *Nod* Yes!
Y/N: Hmm... I don't know... I don't think I ever had any...
Lisa: Oh come on! I know you're hiding it! Whenever we would start this conversation you would always magically get busy...
Y/N: Well it's not like I was avoiding it...
Lisa: Then tell me!
Y/N: I told you already. I liked a few guys because of their looks or things that they did to me... But I never actually fell in love for real...
Lisa: *Shrugs* Welp... Sucks to be you, I guess.
Y/N: (totally insulted) Hey!
Lisa: Sorry, sorry~!

But then it hit me.

Y/N: Lisa?
Lisa: Mm?
Y/N: ... You never really told me about your first crush either...

At first, she was frozen, just sitting there with her eyes locked with mine.
But then she lowered her head and sighed.

Lisa: It's not that interesting...
Y/N: Come on, tell me~! I want to know!
Lisa: ... Okay then...
Y/N: Yay~!

I made myself comfortable. Opened a pack of chips, had juice, everything was ready.

Lisa: It was the 2nd year in middle school...

She looked annoyed at me. She didn't like it when people interrupt her.

Y/N: Sorry...
Lisa: ... As I was saying, it was in middle school. We were little. We were in separate classes, but I still knew him because people always used to talk about him and his squad.
Y/N: His squad?
Lisa: Well, not his. He wasn't a leader, but he was still a part of it.
Y/N: Oh~.
Lisa: There were seven of them. Jungkook was also a part of that squad.
Y/N: (chokes on juice) What!? Really???
Lisa: Yes. You can ask him about that someday. Anyways. I always wanted to meet them, but I was too scared to approach to their classroom, so I would just sit there, listening to all things other girls, and some boys, would talk about them.
One day, a teacher asked me to help him transfer the papers into his office, so I was passing through that area. When we came to their classroom, I stopped for a while to see if he was there. The teacher was long gone. But when I wanted to catch up with him, I heard someone behind me saying "Are you lost?" *Chuckling* I was so scared that I jumped and dropped all my papers. He helped me pick them up, so when he gave them to me, I was finally able to see his face. It was exactly as they would say. He was so handsome and kind-hearted. I thanked him, burning like crazy, but then he asked me, tilting his head "You're not a stalker, are you?" I quickly shook my head saying that I had to help my teacher with papers. "Oh, I see? Then-" As he said that he took them and said he'll help me take them to his office "It wasn't so nice of him to ask such a lovely lady to hold such heavy things. Weren't there any boys to help him instead?" I told him I was the last one to leave the class, and then we continued walking. We were talking about a lot of interesting things, you know? And after that day we became really close. We were best friends.
On our last year of school, I decided to finally confess his love to him, on Valentine's day.
Y/N: *Slightly cringing* Valentine's day??? Isn't that too cliche???
Lisa: Just shut up, okay? I decided to make him chocolates and-
Y/N: *Cough**Cough* So cliche *Cough**Cough*
Lisa: *Annoyed*... As I was saying. I made him chocolates and packed it in a cute box. Since it was a weekend I asked him to go out and take a walk with me. He agreed. We were walking and I was waiting for the perfect timing. We were talking about a lot of things. He said that the sky looked especially beautiful that day, it was pink as if it was filled with love. And at that moment, I grabbed his hand that made him stop.

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