Double Trouble.

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Jin: *Annoyed* ... What's the meaning of this?
Y/N: Let me explain-
Jin: I thought you two finished already.

Oh no. He's mad.

Jin: I hope you have a less lame excuse this time because last time your "bees ate all the sugar and ordered you to hail to their lord" didn't work.

Yup. Clearly mad.

Y/N: There was a sparrow and he attacked us!
Taehyung: Yeah!
Jin: I've had enough.
Taehyung: Why are you so mad, hyung ()? We're making some progress!
Y/N: (Rapidly nodding)
Jin: (Even madder) You're making some excuses, that's what you're doing.
Taehyung: *Gulp* Should we run?
Y/N: Definitely run.
Taehyung & Y/N: Go!
Jin: Come back here right now you brats!

We were in charge of making sandwiches for our picnic, but because Tae and I made a 'war' in the kitchen, we didn't realize that we ate almost all the ingredients.
More than a year has passed since I knew Bangtan and Taehyung. After that time when the two of us found out we both like the same things, we actually became really close, and little by little, we became best friends, you could even call us brother and sister!

Y/N: *Running* I told you it was a bad idea!
Taehyung: Excuse me!? You ate them too!
Y/N: It's not my fault they're so good!
Taehyung: Nevermind that! Let's just save our lives first!

But then Yoongi caught us since he was just around the corner, absolutely unimpressed and probably amazed by how awesome we are (though they think we're troublesome).

Yoongi: Got yourself into trouble again?
Taehyung & Y/N: Yes...
Yoongi: Let me guess... You made Jin mad?
Y/N: Define 'mad'-
Yoongi: You know exactly what I'm talking about. "Angry to death" mad.
Taehyung: Yes...
Yoongi: And now you're trying to save your asses again?
Y/N: Yes...
Yoongi: *Sigh* Not even 1 minute has passed, 1 minute, and you already got yourself into trouble. Wait until Namjoon finds you-
Namjoon: Y/N and Kim Taehyung!
Yoongi: Looks like you're dead now.
Namjoon: Why did you run away if you 'did nothing wrong', hm?
Taehyung: We know you wouldn't believe us and-
Namjoon: Taehyung-ah.
Taehyung: *Gulp*
Namjoon: You and y/n just broke the basket "because there was a grasshopper on it". Does that even make sense?
Yoongi: I'll go and get some wine. This one's gonna be interesting.

And then he left us hanging, clearly satisfied. In fact, he always enjoys seeing us getting in trouble, I don't know why he likes it so much, but I can't stand it anymore.

Y/N: But there really was! I wanted to catch him to scare Hobi with it, but I accidentally ended up breaking it!
Namjoon: Why would you scare poor Hobi? You know he's scared of insects.
Taehyung: That's the point, hyung ()...

While Joon was shaking his head that was buried in his palm, Lisa and Mark approached us.

Lisa: Uh? Joon-ah, what's wrong?
Namjoon: These guys...
Mark: Again? What did you do this time?
Taehyung: Nothing!
Jin: Ya ()! Nothing!? You ate all the ingredients and then you say nothing!?
Namjoon: They also broke the basket in an attempt to catch a grasshopper to scare Hoseok.
Jin: What!?
Lisa: Seriously, ever since you two got along, you're always making troubles.
Mark: Not even a day passes- hell, not even an HOUR passes and you already do something utterly ridiculous!
Y/N: *Pouting* It's not like we try to do it...
Namjoon: You two were way better when you couldn't stand each other.
Lisa: Definitely.
Taehyung: So you want me to hate her again?
Namjoon: No Taehyung, we want you two to at least one day make no troubles.
Taehyung: *Sigh* Fine...
Y/N: We'll try our best.
Namjoon: Go on, now.

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