Good Day.

18 2 7

I came pretty late at night. Surprisingly, the door was open. 

I carefully closed and locked it, and that's when I saw something white on the ground. As I picked it up, I assumed it was a paper, and I was right. I took out my phone and turned the flashlight on to see if there's something written on it.

If someone robs me because of you, you'll be the next person to taste my dark side... You'll be DEAD.

I tried my best to hold my laughter.

Taehyung: 'Yeah, sure...'

But then I noticed there was more that caught my eye and filled me with curiosity.
A... Drawing? No... It was a map, but it was really small. Just looking at it made me smile from ear to ear.

Taehyung: 'Cute.'

It looked just like a smaller version of her house, and those details!
Instead of drawing a path for me, as all normal people do, my mission was to find my room by following the lamps that she stored around the house.
It wasn't as easy as I thought because it was really dark, but I managed to find the room I'll be staying in somehow.
At last, when I entered, I breathed in some fresh air, slowly approaching the window.
Ah if only I could describe how beautiful it was!
At this rate, I didn't feel tired anymore, I just leaned on the window as I looked up at the stars.
It was so beautiful.

[Y/N P.O.V.]

Sigh...  There's no point in waiting for that idiot to come.
On top of that, why should I? Ah, right, because someone might sneak into the house.
In the end, I decided to draw him a map and leave him a letter.

Y/N: 'If we get robbed I will kill him for sure. I won't hesitate, flea. Just wait for it.'

I didn't find any thread, and my pen died, so I decided to put lamps as a guide to his room because that was the first thing that I saw in the living room, on top of that in the darkness, because everyone already went back to sleep. I didn't want to, but eventually, I fell asleep as well.
I slowly opened my eyes, blinking while looking at who knows what. I always wake up early, I always was an early bird or morning bird, I don't know. The first thing I did was stand up as fast as I could and quietly but quickly go down the stairs to check the door.
That was the first time I ever flew so fast from my room (which was on the second floor) to the hall. As I checked the door, I sighed in relief while keeping my voice down.

Y/N: It's locked.
Taehyung: Of course it's locked. Who do you think I am?

I flinched as I turned around. He was in the kitchen. For a second I got so scared hearing that deep and quiet voice. He wasn't whispering, but it felt kind of nice, hearing him speak so calmly... Wait, what did I just say?

Y/N: Why are you here?
Taehyung: I wanted to make myself a cup of tea, but these machines are... Quite complicated to use.

I raised my eyebrow as I looked at him with a bit of shock and surprise on my face. By the time I said that I already joined him in the kitchen.

Y/N: Why are you up so early?
Taehyung: What about you? The same goes for you as well.
Y/N: I asked first.

He approached me with a mug in his hands until he came so close to me that our foreheads were touching and I could feel him breathing. My big and wide eyes looked directly at him, while he looked at me completely serious and almost emotionless until I heard something behind me and then he stepped back. Now, he wasn't holding a mug anymore, so I assumed it was where he left it while staring at me so weirdly. And dang, that happened really fast, I didn't even have enough time to react!

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