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[Unknown's P.O.V.]

Another day...
How long has it been since I came back to Korea? I missed this place a lot! Too bad I have to leave for Brazil in a few days.

Unknown: So! Let's see what are my plans today!

I checked the note with my To-do list on it that said: "buy food, do laundry, check your email, finish your book, go on that date".

Unknown: So... Procrastinating, procrastinating, procrastinating... The book... Again, procrastinating and then that date. Great!

Because I did nothing during the day (when you're too tired you really don't want to do anything), time passed quickly and it was already time for a date.
While being there it went well... I think.
Sometimes men are too easy to read and figure out. During our conversations, I couldn't help but examine him.

Unknown: 'Type who's only looking for a one-night stand, doesn't have anyone, knows how to take care of himself... I'll just finish this one and maybe that would be it? Two dates at max.'

But then I accidentally overheard something, or should I say "someone".

Girl: I told you pigeons have feelings!
Boy: They do, but it's definitely not fear!
Girl: Oh yeah? How come they fly away then whenever a human is around, huh? Explain that!
Boy: ... Okay, good point. But then what would crabs do if they met squirrels? *Proud* I personally think they'd get married and live in Las Vegas!
Unknown: '... What did I just witness???'

From what I could see, I figured it was a date... That was on the edge of being destroyed. It was weird, but these kids were quite entertaining to watch, I could see that the girl was more than interested in the guy (I can see why), while I couldn't read the guy at all.
I don't know why, but I had a feeling I should help her. It's not my first time seeing people on dates while I am on one myself, but for some reason, she's the first one that makes me want to help her out, there's something weird yet special about her.

Unknown: I'll go to the bathroom real quick, okay?
Guy: Alright. I was just about to call someone as well.

Because I wanted her to win that guy and make their date amazing and successful, I approached her and we went to the bathroom. Surprisingly, she actually allowed me to help her!
Once we came out of there, our plan began. Whenever she looked at my direction I immediately helped her, but for some reason, that guy backfired all my skills that usually always work on guys.

Unknown: 'Just get a hint, damn it!'

She looked once again at me and I whispered to her "nice glasses". There is no way he won't get that one because all guys get flattered when they get compliments so this will be her small yet successful move to his heart!

Guy: Uh... What are you doing?
Unknown: Ah, sorry, I just thought I saw a fly here.

I glanced back at them, it felt as if I was the one winning him over because I felt so nervous yet excited to see what will the outcome be.

Girl: Um... You have nice asses?

... The guy was choking and I facepalmed myself because she didn't hear well. What a great way to compliment someone! But I must admit, this is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard someone say on a 'date', and it was kind of funny.
I corrected her as I had to pay attention to my date, even though I already knew it was pointless, it was just a waste of time being here. Right now, my first and most entertaining priority was to help that girl get her crush.
She glanced at me and I flipped my hair to show her what to do next.

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