A Day Off.

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[Y/N P.O.V.]

Jungkook said that they won't be having any practice for now.

I felt kind of sad and disappointed...

Y/N: 'How sad... I was really looking forward to seeing them...'
Lisa: Y/N?
Y/N: What?

I raised my head from my arms that were covering my face from the sunlight.

Lisa: Oh. Oh my Gosh.
Y/N: ?
Lisa: You look like death herself.
Y/N: Uuuugh stop it~!

I tied to punch her, but I was too tired to do so. I couldn't sleep for days because I was studying for school. At the end of May we need to take the final exams, so I need to study hard.

Y/N: School sucks...
Lisa: I know. That's why I gave up on it.
Y/N: ... For now.
Lisa: Yeah. For now.

I stood up from the bench in my backyard. We were sitting outside because I thought that I needed some fresh air to help me study... But what I actually need is sleep and a miracle. A LOT of that.

Lisa: Where are you going?
Y/N: Back to studying.
Lisa: Girl, take some rest! You'll end up dying before even entering the exams at this rate!
Y/N: *Sigh* I know... But there are still a lot of things I need to learn...
Lisa: That's enough.

She grabbed my shirt, preventing me from going anywhere. I looked at her, a bit confused.

Y/N: ... What's the meaning of this?
Lisa: *Glaring* Today you're going to rest or I'll burn all your books and you'll end up failing the exams.

I knew she wasn't serious (although sometimes I wish she would), but damn she's still scary...

Y/N: *Sigh* I don't have a choice, do I?
Lisa: *Happy* Of course you don't! Now go and have fun today! *Glaring again* Don't you dare think of school!
Y/N: Okay, ma'am~! Whatever you say~!

I said that as I was slowly entering the house. I went up into my bedroom and looked in the mirror.

Y/N: Oh my God Lisa was right! I DO look like death! Aaaaaah what should I do~? I can't go outside like this!

After a while, I finally found a pair of glasses on my shelf. I would usually wear them when I can't find my contact lenses or when I'm at home, but having eye-bags THIS big... Yeah... Better wear them girl, before someone dies by just seeing your face...
Outside was pretty warm, so I didn't change my clothes. It was pretty nice so I just wore blue jeans, a white T-shirt... And my glasses...
When I came down, I was thinking whether to put on my new Timberlands or my favorite red converse.

Y/N: 'It was raining not long ago, so maybe I should still wear Timberlands... There might still be paddles here and there... But at the same time wouldn't it be too hot for them?...'
Lisa: Outside is pretty warm so I think it would be better to wear converse, just saying.
Y/N: *Shook* Did you just read my mind???
Lisa: *Smirking* Maybe~!

She was passing through the hall to get into the living room. Immediately after that answer, she giggled.

Lisa: Just kidding. I saw you standing there so I thought that you needed a hand.
Y/N: Thanks. Well, I'll be going then, since I (acting with a deep voice) have to obey my Master's orders.
Lisa: *Laughing* Just go!
Y/N: *Laughing* Bye then!
Lisa: Bye~! If I'll end up going somewhere, you know where I'll leave the keys.
Y/N: Okay. Bye now!
Lisa: Have fun!

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