My Sudden Realization?

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Taehyung: So what's for dinner?
Y/N: (Searching in the shelves) Do I look like someone who can cook?
Taehyung: Then what's for the late night snack?
Y/N: Let me see... Will gummy bears do?
Taehyung: *Happy* Yes!

I slightly giggled as I took out the gummies and joined him on the sofa, almost jumping at it.

Y/N: Ah~! Climbing that fence sure was hard!
Taehyung: Uh-uh! Good thing no one saw us.
Y/N: (Turning my head to face him) You sure they won't come after us?
Taehyung: Positive. We come here way too often, managers might start suspecting something. I don't think they'd risk it that much.
Y/N: (Sighs in relief) Good, or else all this hard work would've gone in vain.
Taehyung: Yeah... Now, what should we do?
Y/N: Hm... Is there anything you want to do?
Taehyung: I want to go to the park.
Y/N: (Raising my eyebrows) Now?
Taehyung: (Happy, giving me a quick nod) Mm!
Y/N: Okay then. Good thing there are still people outside.

We were playing around like crazy until we got tired. Then we visited Auntie's house. Luckily, they were still awake.

Mrs. Park: I still don't get you: why are you sneaking out of your friend's house and wander around?
Taehyung: (While eating) It's fun!
Y/N: *Agreeing* Mm!
Mrs. Park: *Sigh* Kids these days...
Auntie: (Bringing us more food) As if we weren't like this at their age. When they grow up, they'll have so much to tell their children, which is a good thing.
Taehyung: Auntie, is there anything interesting you did in the past? I mean did you get in troubles like we do?
Auntie: (Laughing while fondling his hair) Of course I did! 
Y/N: She used to climb cherry trees in people's backyards, steal the cherries and run away to eat them with her friends!
Taehyung: (Looking at Auntie and me, amazed) Waah really??? Has someone ever caught you?
Auntie: They did, but I was a fast kid when I was your age. I even ran faster than most of my guy friends!
Mrs. Park: (Laughing while slowly joining us at the table) That's true.
Taehyung: Can you please tell us more, Auntie?

She gladly agreed and told us a lot of interesting and funny childhood stories, like how she was chased by a dog and ended up climbing the tree and staying there until the dog fell asleep, or how she went fishing with her husband and caught a giant fish that caused him to fall into the lake (it wasn't that deep luckily), and so on. Even though I heard most of them, it was still as fascinating and amusing as the first time she told me all of these, but whenever I'd glance at Taehyung, he looked at her so amazed, full of attention towards her. He looked like those little kids in the class that always listened to teachers, so adorable.
But then, he turned around to look at me, wearing a gentle and mesmerizing smile of his. I didn't pay attention that I probably stared at him for a long time, I must've looked like a complete idiot.
I immediately looked back at Auntie, blushing like crazy while my heart was jumping within my body.

Y/N: 'Gosh, what is wrong with me?'
Auntie: Are you hot, dear? You're burning red.
Y/N: No, no! I'm completely fine! Must be because we were jumping over the fence. It was really big.
Auntie: ... If you say so. Now, where was I?

When the time came when they had to go to bed, the two of us left.
We went to the arcade store and played there for a while. Sadly, we weren't there for too long because neither one of us had that much money.

Taehyung: Do you remember, y/n?
Y/N: What?
Taehyung: This is the place we met last year.
Y/N: A year? Already??? Wow, time sure flies fast!
Taehyung: Indeed. We came this far, can you imagine what would be the expressions of our past selves when they saw us now? Hahaha they'd be shocked!
Y/N: I know right? ... And also, don't think I forgot what you did back then.

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