If It's You.

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Taehyung: ***, how much do you love me?
Unknown: Why so suddenly?
Taehyung: Just tell me.
Unknown: Hm... Look up at the sky.
Taehyung: Okay.
Unknown: Multiply the amount of stars with the sky itself.
Taehyung: That's impossible. First, because it's day, do you see stars anywhere?
Unknown: I don't. But that doesn't mean they're not there.
Taehyung: Then... What about the sky? It's infinite, it's impossible to know the number!
Unknown: *Smile* Exactly. Because that's how much I love you, TaeTae... Don't forget that.


Taehyung: Ah... Another dream...

I woke up, dreaming the same memory over and over again for the past few days.
Who is this person? How close was I to her? It was clearly female's voice, it sounded so familiar.

Taehyung: *Sigh* Let's just get ready.

I stayed at my family's house for the time being, but I was slowly packing to go back to the dorms.
I called Jungkook to meet up with him. Gosh, I missed them all so much!

Taehyung: 'I wonder what's y/n doing...'

Come to think of it, she's acting so cool and normal after... Telling me she likes me.
I have to admit, after that, I gained so much respect for her, she was so brave!
And also...

Jungkook: (Drinking coffee) Hm... That's interesting...
Taehyung: It's confusing! Usually when friends imagine doing things like this with each other, they find it weird, maybe even gross. But whenever I think of doing anything with y/n as 'more than friends' I don't mind it at all!... *Quietly* I actually kind of like it...
Jungkook: *Smile* Haven't thought of the possibility that you might like her too, no?
Taehyung: I... I can't do that...
Jungkook: Why not?
Taehyung: I keep dreaming of the same memory over and over again...
Jungkook: Tell me.

I told him everything, the only thing I missed out was the dream of the other girl, the one that makes me wake up every morning terrified for my own life. The dream only y/n and I know about.

Taehyung: There was someone meaningful to me, someone who meant a lot. But I don't know who it is yet and I can't find that person.
Jungkook: 'That's because it's y/n...'
Taehyung: I can't do that... It would feel like cheating, you know?
Jungkook: Hm... I understand. Then... How about this?

I listened to him carefully.

Jungkook: Since Sam and Jimin-ah are here, why not ask them for advice? You know they're better at this than the rest of us.
Taehyung: Hm, you think so?

He gave me a nod in response. I will consider it.
Later that day, the two of us were buying groceries to make pancakes at y/n's house. I was so excited to go there and share my thoughts with her on the new book I just read.

Jungkook: I don't know what toppings should we buy, even.
Taehyung: What does it say on the list?
Jungkook: (Showing the list, unimpressed) "Figure out by yourselves. You're not kids anymore, idiots."
Taehyung: ....
Jungkook & Taehyung: Definitely Yoongi.

We both laughed at that when I heard someone's voice.

Unknown1: *Laugh* Well you sure look stunning today, as always!
Unknown2: Aaw thank you! I think you already know where the dress is from.
Unknown1: How could I not?? It was me who was choosing this dress with her.
Unknown2: No way! Your taste is so good, then!

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