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Jin: She hasn't appeared for a while now, after a scene we all made back then.
Mark: *Sigh* I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing anymore...
Minhyuk: Let's not lose hope for now. My co-workers have been tracking her for some time now. If something goes off the plan, we're taking action.
Mark: Yeah. They'll capture her and then call my dad's unit to collect her.
Namjoon: Thank you guys so much.
Jungkook: You have no idea how much we owe you for this.
Minhyuk: You owe us nothing at all, your safety is what matters the most.
Yoongi: Even though I still don't fancy you I have to admit I respect you a lot for this. Thank you for keeping everyone safe.
Minhyuk: *Smile* Glad I could be of any help.

We all made sure to treat the guys before they left to work.

Taehyung: I'll walk you out.

Everybody looked surprised at me as I stood up and walked alongside them towards the exit.

Mark: Should I be concerned?
Taehyung: Why?

Subtly, Mark pointed at Minhyuk who was checking his phone at the moment.

Taehyung: 'Why do you all see me as a terrorist? I said I don't like him, not "Imma kill this bastard"... Even though I did think of that a few times.'
Taehyung: No. Not at all.
Mark : (Sighs in relief) Thank goodness. Don't think would handle another murder in one day.
Taehyung: *Shocked* You witnessed murder!?

That's when even Minhyuk lift his head and looked at Mark, completely unbothered, unlike me.
It looked more like he just wanted to hear what the conversation was about before going back on his phone.

Minhyuk: You did?
Mark: Kinda.
Minhyuk: Where.
Mark: ... In a horror movie.
Taehyung/Minhyuk: *Facepalm* Oh my God.../...

He seems quieter than usual... Is he plotting something?

Mark: I'm going that way, see ya later, pals.
Taehyung & Minhyuk: Okay, bye!/Bye, hyung ().

Hyung ()? Did he just call him hyung ()??

Taehyung: Didn't know you were younger than him.
Minhyuk: It is what it is.

I guess this is my chance to tell him... But Gosh, why does it feel like I'm asking Kim Jong Un to give me his entire country?

Taehyung: You're quieter than usual.
Minhyuk: More like I'm often louder than usual.
Taehyung: Not talkative?
Minhyuk: It's not that. It's just that I prefer being like this when I'm not with friends.
Taehyung: I see...

It's strange, but I understood exactly what he meant by that, making me even relate to him a little.

Taehyung: I just wanted to say thank you.

Finally, he switched his gaze from the road ahead to me, surprised.

Minhyuk: Thank me? What for?
Taehyung: I don't really like you, for some reason, you were sticking up with y/n to the point it was irritating.
Minhyuk: ...
Taehyung: But despite that, after you offered to help us with zero hesitation, you made sure not only the girls were safe, but also our families and ourselves as well, and I'm deeply grateful for that. The fact that you took such a dangerous task only to help us, I really admire you for that.

Before saying anything, a few moments have passed with him just staring at me, surprised.

Taehyung: 'Am I really that terrifying?'
Minhyuk: Pff, hahah, looks like she didn't tell you about us at all.
Taehyung: ?
Minhyuk: That day we pretended to be on a date so you could see that someone can take her away before you remember how to take action.
Taehyung: W- wait wait wait, what??
Minhyuk: Yep, I said what I said. I like to provoke you like that sometimes, it's kinda fun.
Taehyung: *Unimpressed* In what sense is it "fun"?
Minhyuk: *Smirk* Seeing you trying to figure out how to solve the thing or hiding the jealousy. Seriously man, you need to be jealous less.

It was strange receiving advice from him. Actually no, that was too kindly spoken. I hated it.
But I decided to keep listening.

Minhyuk: Accept the fact she's the kind of person that prefers hanging out with boys. Being jealous of her will only lead you to an unhealthy relationship.

That... Wasn't something I expected, from him...

Taehyung: I'll... Keep that in mind... Thanks...
Minhyuk: You're a really nice guy, but you're so quick to act to the extent even sky can't reach.
Taehyung: I see...
Minhyuk: *Smile* Thanks for being honest with me.
Taehyung: Likewise.

Well that went smoothly... Better than I expected.

Everything was peaceful. It's been a couple of weeks now since the last time the stalker has been chasing after us, it felt great to be able to walk through the streets freely again.
Our scandals were getting quieter, giving us an opportunity to practice for our concert.

Jin: Boi.
Taehyung: Mm?
Jin: We're out of ramen. Go fetch us some.
Taehyung: *Whining* Ah, hyung ()~ why me?? Can't just Jk go instead?

That's when the devil himself turned his face around to face me. That's when the glares of hell were piercing through my entire body, threatening me with the worst death possible.

Taehyung: I- Understood, sir. Going right away.
Jin: That's right peasants, you listen to me in this house.
Jungkook: *Impersonating* yOu LiStEn To mE In ThIs hOuSe, PeAsAnTs.
Jin: ...

After seeing Seokjin's glare, the only thing he was able to do was drink his hot chocolate in peace, pretending like he wasn't even here.

Jin: Just hurry up.

I responded as I head out to get what he asked me to.
When I got out of the store, someone with an insane strength put their hands on my mouth & as they pulled me behind the store through a narrow passageway.
Because of how startled and surprised I got, I didn't have enough time to react, so by the moment I was ready to pull back, we were already behind the store.
I saw that stalker Mina before me, wearing that "innocent", creepy grin of hers.

Taehyung: 'Damn, how the hell can someone be so strong to pull a body like that!? The only one who can be this strong is Namjoon, but-'
Mina: Oppa (오빠)~! Surprise, did you miss me??
Taehyung: ...
Mina: I'm so sorry for leaving you for so long, oppa (오빠). This will never happen again, I promise!
Taehyung: ...
Mina: Let's just go on a date and forget about it-
Taehyung: Don't touch me.

The moment she tried to grab my hand and take me who knows where this time, I immediately smacked her hand as far away from me as possible.

Mina: *Shocked* O-oppa (오빠)??
Taehyung: I thought you were smart enough to get the hint up until now, but to be delusional this much? *Scoff* I don't know if you're that blind and dumb or just a psychopath.
Mina: W-what?
Taehyung: I have a girlfriend, and you saw it wasn't you. We asked you nicely plenty of times, but I'm so fed up to the point I don't give a damn if I'm being a jerk at the moment or not.

I turned around as I was about to leave after telling her my last words.

Taehyung: Screw off. Stop endangering my loved ones.

I almost got to leave, but of course...

Mina: What do you love about her!? What!?
Taehyung: What do I love about her?
Mina: What does she have that I don't, huh!?
Taehyung: I think that the first thing on the list would be sanity.
Mina: I'm better than that b*tch!

That's when fire was like small puppies compared to how I really felt. I rashly approached her, facing her with a clear threatening written on my face.
The way I spoke, the way I became a totally different person, even she was scared of it.

Taehyung: Say one more thing about my girlfriend and the last thing you'll remember is hell, got it?

But just then, when I heard something behind us, I could notice she was paying attention to that.
The moment I tried to turn around to see who it was, I felt someone's deathly cold hands on my face, moving me with that insane strength towards themselves.

Did she- Did she just-

Y/N: Taehyung?
Taehyung: !!!???

Don't tell me...

Taehyung: 'Ah... F*ck...'

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