The Beginning of A One-sided Game.

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I was frozen still. Is this real? Is he really... Right in front of me?
His face had colors again, and he wasn't as skinny as he was the last time I saw him in the hospital.

Y/N: 'So they fed him well, I'm glad.'

I smiled at the thought and looked at him with the brightest and softest expression I had. 

Y/N: May I help you, sir?
Taehyung: Ah, yes, please. Can I have some egg tarts, please?
Y/N: Coming right up.

Just when I wanted to call Lisa, she came out.

Lisa: Y/N have you seen my-

But then she saw him too. Her expression was stunned. So this is real after all.

Y/N: ... What exactly, Lis?
Lisa: ... Eh, what?
Y/N: You came here to ask me if I saw something.
Lisa: N-no, never mind.
Taehyung: For some reason, you two look incredibly familiar.
Y/N: Haha really?
Taehyng: Yeah. Have we met before, perhaps?
Y/N: Yes, we were in the hospital that day.
Taehyung: Ah, right...

It felt as if he wanted to say something else, but then I remembered.

Y/N: Ah, right, Lisa! He ordered egg tarts!
Lisa: Alright. You'll eat them here or...?
Taehyung: No, It's for my mom. I got out of the hospital today so I really wanted to visit this shop.
Y/N: Congratulations on your recovery!
Taehyung: *Happy* Thank you. Although I'm not fully recovered yet.
Y/N: Everything comes with time. I'm sure you'll get better.

Lisa was long gone. In fact, when Tae said that he'll take the egg tarts with him.
We were standing in silence for a while until he tilted his head and frowned with his eyebrows, analyzing me as if I'm a statue.

Taehyung: ... Are you sure we've never met? 
Y/N: I never said that we never met.
Taehyung: So we do know each other? 
Y/N: Well... Kind of.

Should I just tell him? Should I tell him everything?

Taehyung: I lost some of my memories in an accident.
Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry...

I tried to pretend shocked and sad. Of course I know that, Taehyung! I can still remember that day as if it was yesterday. Unfortunately, he didn't know, so I decided to keep acting.

Taehyung: It's okay. I'm alright now, but sadly, not all my memories are back, so I'm really sorry if I can't entirely remember you two.
Y/N: Don't apologize, there's still plenty of time to remember.
Taehyung: Yeah...

At that moment, Lisa came out of the room with two packages, one filled with his egg tarts and the other was empty.
I took out lava muffins and decorated them, still smiling.

Y/N: Don't worry, everything will turn out okay... It always does.
Taehyung: *Smiling* Thank you.
Y/N: And~ there you go.
Taehyung: *Surprised* Oh? But... I didn't order these.
Y/N: It's our present for your recovery.
Taehyung: How much is all this, then?
Lisa: It's free, so don't worry.
Taehyung: But-
Y/N: I already paid for them, you just came out of the hospital, so let us at least somehow congratulate you with your recovery.
Taehyung: ... Thank you.
Y/N: Have a marvelous day.
Taehyung: Thank you, you too.

He waved at us and then left. But then, just as he was about to open the door with his hand prepared to touch the doorknob, he turned around and looked directly into my soul.
Suddenly, I could see a sparkle in his eyes, the same sparkle he always had when we spent time together, which caused my heart to stop and skip... More than 5 heartbeats, I think. We were looking at each other for some while, but then he smiled.

Taehyung: I'll see you soon.
Y/N: We're looking forward to it.

And then he left. I still stared at the door where not long ago was his silhouette. It felt so unreal, it was just like the last time he entered this shop, only this time, he didn't remember me, but it didn't matter anymore.
Lisa and Mark came out of the cabin, hoping that they'd see him, but he already left.

Lisa: He didn't change one bit.
Mark: Yeah, if you exclude the fact that he doesn't remember us.
Y/N: He's just as wonderful as he was.

Just seeing him like this- full of happiness, full of energy, full of life, already filled my heart with euphoria and that was enough for me. It was brief and short, but it was more than enough to fill my heart with billion butterflies. Jungkook was right- it doesn't matter as long as he's okay. He'll remember after some time, I'm sure of it. Until the end of the day, I couldn't stop smiling and feeling happy.

Y/N: 'Well, Taehyung-ah, the game has finally started. Let's see who's going to win this one. I won't give up on you that easily. I will make your memories come back, I promise.'



Thank you so much for patiently waiting for my stories, that really means a lot to me. ^-^ <3
I apologize because of my short stories, but because of that, there will be more.
Please be patient with me and look forward to more chapters of "In Universe's Fate"!

Don't forget that you're the one you should love in this world and have a wonderful day. ^-^ <3 <3 <3

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