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When I heard that, I couldn't breathe for a moment.

She left her? Is that why we never saw her nor she never mentioned her?
I feel so terrible now. Now, I'm the one who's been acting like trash. I even sometimes said stuff like "You can't be like your dad because he's nice and you're not so you must've taken it from your mother" whenever we would argue alone. I feel like crap now.

Y/N: *Scoff* Funny, isn't it? A mother leaving her own child. She even prepared for me a big surprise party. Hah, she sure surprised me.
Taehyung: ...
Y/N: I don't know what did I do wrong, or what did she not like in us to leave so suddenly. She could've at least left a letter, but instead, she left a 11-year-old child in the crowded house full of strangers. That was so horrifying. I can still remember all of their faces that looked like creepy stalkers.
Taehyung: What about your-
Y/N: He was on a business trip at that time. It was also my first birthday without him... Nor mother, who was so impatient she couldn't even wait until my birthday was over to leave for America with her stupid musician boyfriend...

This was the first time I wanted to cry after hearing something like that, and after seeing what jerk I've been to someone who went through something like this. She looked at me for a second, and then immediately looked up at the sky filled with snowflakes.

Y/N: It was snowing that day too. It was so pretty, just like now. Since that day, I always wished for the first snow to fall on this day.
Taehyung: You must miss her a lot.
Y/N: You can't even imagine... What did I do? Was I really that bad, is that why she left me?... So ever since then, I stopped looking forward to my birthdays. I was scared that someone might leave me again... But even so, I always had the same wish that maybe, just maybe, when the first snow falls again, she might come back... I don't know where she is now, I don't even know if she's alive. Is she okay? Is she healthy? Does she eat well and take good care of herself? That's what I always ask myself when I think of her. Does she miss me? Does she even remember me? Or did she forget about me the moment she left? Even so, I still hope she's living a happy life right now, despite what she did to me... She's my mother, after all...

It was my first time hearing and seeing her so lonely and broken. She was nothing like that y/n I knew and saw a while ago- happy, energetic, and with sparkles in her eyes.

Taehyung: 'You really do bottle your feelings and struggle all by yourself... Why are you so harsh on yourself, y/n? Why?'
Y/N: (Starting to smile) But, with or without her, life keeps on going, and I want to live to the fullest and enjoy it while I still can. Just like snow, time can't stop just because we feel vulnerable, or go back into the clouds because we want to... (Brief laugh) I don't even know why I'm telling you all this...
Taehyung: (Quietly whispering) Thank you.

I don't know if she heard me or not, but I saw a little smile forming on her face which made me a bit happy. She was still looking down on her feet, which gave me the perfect opportunity to give her my present.


Taehyung: ... It's getting cold outside. We should better go back in.

I suddenly felt something warm around my neck. After he said that (probably trying to act cool) I lowered my gaze and touched my neck. It was a scarf. It was so pretty with these cute patterns and colours, but because he was about to go in, I just smiled to myself before standing up and joining him.

Y/N: 'Thank you, Tae.'


We both went in and joined the others.

Mark: Where were you??? We already finished the game!
Jungkook: And half of the cake!
Y/N: *Happy* Sorry, I was dozing off.
Jimin: Oh? Y/N, you didn't have that scarf on you before.
Namjoon: Where did that come from?
Y/N: (Not knowing what to say) I-I...

But then all the boys looked at me and started to laugh.

Jin: Wow~! It's so beautiful~!
Hoseok: I'm jealous, y/n, I want one too!
Y/N: *Laughing* We can share if you want.
Hoseok: Hell yeah I want!

She ran to them and they all played happily while I slowly approached to join them too.
I didn't notice that I was looking at y/n almost the entire time.

Taehyung: 'Even though we started off terribly, now, I won't be harsh on you anymore. Y/N-ah, let's start over again.'

And that's how this very day marked as our beginning- the rebirth of our weird relationship.

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