I'm Back.

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Today is the day.

Today, Taehyung will get out of the hospital. Oh my Gosh finally!
I am so nervous- what should I do? What should I wear? Is my skin too pale? Should I put on make-up?
But the most important thing is- will he remember me?
What if he won't? Just that thought scares me to death.

Y/N: ... Think positive, y/n!

I hit my cheeks a few times then straightened up, talking to myself while looking at the mirror.

Y/N: Everything is going to be okay. He's okay, that's what matters.
Jungkook: Y/N!
Y/N: Yeah?

I heard stomping down the stairs. A few moments later, Jungkook was already on the first floor, all dressed up.

Jungkook: I don't want to look like I gave it much thought but... How do I look?
Y/N: You look wonderful, Kookie.
Jungkook: I'm so happy I can't wait to see him! I couldn't even sleep!
Y/N: *Laughing* Yeah, your make-up says otherwise.
Jungkook: I just can't help it. I'm so happy!

He suddenly hugged me. It was so tight that I couldn't even breathe. After hitting him multiple times to let go of me, he finally let me live.

Y/N: Even though I'm happy, I'm a bit scared. 
Jungkook: Oh? Why?
Y/N: What if he won't remember us?

He looked at me silently for a while, but then gently smiled and patted me on my hair.

Jungkook: I thought of that too, at first. But now, I think that it doesn't matter, as long as he's okay, I'm happy just with that. Don't worry, everything will end up being okay, it always does.

Just hearing his words cheer me up. Thanks to him I smiled back and I felt much better than I was. Instead of being nervous, the only emotion that stuck with me was excitement.

Y/N: You're right. That's all that matters.
Jungkook: That's my girl! Now, shall we?
Y/N: Yup!

We got out of the house. Jungkook went to see the boys and I went to work. While walking to my workplace, I couldn't help but smile all the time. Yes, I might've looked like a complete idiot, but I don't care. Everything seemed bright and happy and just... Wonderful. Whenever my head turned, all I could see was happiness. The excitement was running through my blood while my feet were walking on the clouds.
When I finally came in, Lisa's and Mark's faces expressed shocked faces that were following me as I was taking off my jacket and put the apron on. When I finally approached them, they still stared at me, only this time, their mouths were slightly open.

Y/N: Erm... May I help you?
Lisa: Are you wearing make-up?
Y/N: (Raising my eyebrow) No? 
Mark: You're sparkling.

Suddenly Lisa grabbed my hoodie and shook me.

Lisa: What black magic are you using!? What kind of witchcraft is this!?
Y/N: L-let go of me, stop! Why are you so shocked? 
Lisa: You looked like death two days ago!!!! HOW!?
Y/N: *Annoyed* ... Thanks. You know that's a bit offensive, right?
Mark: What did you do? I mean, we're happy for you, don't get us wrong.
Lisa: You finally look like a human being!
Y/N: ... Thank you?
Mark: I'm happy to see you back in life again.
Lisa: *Happy* Yeah, I was already scared that I'm friends with the dead.

I jokingly pushed her with my elbow, laughing at them.

Y/N: Okay, let's go back to work.
Mark: (Low voice) All hail to the Death Queen!
Lisa: *Joining* All hail!
Y/N: I said stop!

I took their hoods and tossed them to the cabin where we cook food while all three of us were laughing. My work went pretty smooth, all the customers were really kind and happy, which was a good thing. After a while, Mark came out of the room where we prepare everything and joined me.

Mark: Need some help?
Y/N: Ah, not really. Everything is pretty calm today, thanks.
Mark: It's really nice seeing you in life again.
Y/N: What is that supposed to mean?
Mark: Nothing much. You just seem like you're back to your normal self, that's all.
Y/N: Thanks.

Thanks to his help, we managed to deliver our cakes and pastries to our customers faster. On top of that, it was really fun talking to Mark and showing to younger customers our tricks and decorating skills, entertaining them was such pleasure, their faces were unforgettable.
This morning was wonderful! I don't remember when was the last time the day began like this.

Lisa: Say, y/n, what's your secret?
Y/N: About what?

It was our pause time, so we sat at the table and drank something- Lisa and Mark drank coffee and I drank hot chocolate. As I asked Lisa what she meant by that I took a sip from my cup.

Lisa: Why is your skin so smooth even though you're doing absolutely nothing with it?
Y/N: I eat healthier than you, you know?
Lisa: *Scoff* Don't tell ME how health YOU are! I still can't get over the fact that you ate 10 packs of ramen as if you ate crackers!
Mark: And you wanted more.
Lisa: AND you wanted more!
Y/N: I was hungry, okay? I didn't eat that day!
Lisa: Yeah, yeah, keep making up excuses. It won't help.
Y/N: *Sigh* Whatever you say, your Highness.
Lisa: Mark did you clean the tables?
Mark: Yup.
Lisa: What about the ones in the cooking room?
Mark: All clean, your Highness.
Lisa: Stop calling me 'your Highness', you two!

We couldn't help but laugh at our mad friend. She is so cute when she gets mad, but only at small things. When she's REALLY mad it gets hella scary.
When our break was over we continued our work. 
It was already noon so there weren't a lot of customers, just a few kids that either skipped school, elders who were resting or young people that were working on their laptops. It's always calm around this time which was good for both the customers and us because we didn't have to work that much and because everyone respected other people that were in our little shop-cafe. I got used to the peaceful silence in our shop, so I didn't expect any new customers for a while.
Just then I heard a bell ringing caused by someone opening the door. I looked up and stopped writing something for Mark and on my surprise, it was someone who I least expected to be here.
I did expect to see him, just not here, so I stared at him with my eyes wide open as he slowly came in. 
The person that is so familiar to me finally approached the table where I was. We were standing across each other, because of what I could clearly see his features. 

Taehyung: *Smiling* Hello.

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