Clear My Thoughts.

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Why... Why is he- so close to me... All of a sudden..?

Taehyung: *Pouting* Y/N-ie~! Why didn't you pick up my calls~?
Y/N: (Awkward laugh) Ah- sorry, unexpected trip to my dad, heheh.
Y/N: 'Actually if I heard your voice I'd probably just die before even finding enough courage to confess to you, that's why.'
Taehyung: Huh? But I saw you at Auntie's yesterday.
Y/N: 'Shoot...'
Y/N: *Nervous* Well. you see- I- came back home yesterday?
Taehyung: (The "Don't give me that crap" look) It was before I called you.
Y/N: Heheheh, woopsie~
Taehyung: Why are you avoiding me? Is something wrong?

It's not like I mind, actually, I feel really happy whenever I'm with Taehyung, honestly... But the more I'm with him, the more I can't bear it and my feelings grow whenever I hear his voice or see his presence which makes me go insane! And whenever he's around, I can't control myself, like, at all! I say such stupid things, I turn as red as paprika and I also want to hold his hands or hug him whenever he's here.

Lisa: ... Then why don't you do that? It's not like you two never hugged each other, you know?
Y/N: That's the problem, Lis! If I can't control myself over such little things, who knows what would happen if I'd hug him, I might do something that would end our friendship forever!
Lisa: *Sigh* ... I don't know, y/n, really...
Y/N: Come on~! You had crushes, and now a boyfriend, you should know better than I do! I'm so confused and lost right now that I'm not even sure whether it's a temporary crush or just a delusion because I hang out with him too much!
Mark: (Eating chips) What happened then? After he found out you've been avoiding him?
Y/N: Can you not, please?
Mark: What?
Y/N: Eat while I'm in the middle of ending my own life?
Mark: (Putting a pack of chips back on the floor beside the sofa, sighing) Fine...
Y/N: Thank you.
Lisa: I still don't get why you called us, though.
Y/N: *Annoyed* Yeah, now I wonder too...
Lisa: I mean don't get me wrong, y/n, I would love to help you.
Y/N: *Done* But?
Lisa: But the thing is, you need to figure it out yourself. I can't tell you if you have feelings for him or not because you'll end up following the path based on the answer I'll give.
Y/N: (Not getting a single thing in this situation) Then how the hell did you two make up!?
Mark: We just knew what we felt towards each other, that's all.
Y/N: (Grossed out to death) Omg, stop, ew, so cheesy.
Mark: *Shrugging* Sorry, but that's how it works.
Lisa: Yeah, just leave it for now. Time will show you what it actually is.

I sighed in defeat. Why did I even bother calling them when all they do is eat and tell me they can't tell me what I'm looking for.
Gah, this makes me so angry! I just want to rip all my hair off and strangle them both with it! I don't care if I'll be bald until the rest of my life, at least I'll be satisfied.

Jin: (Opening the door) Sup, folks!
Lisa: Ay man~ where you've been~?
Jin: (Tossing his backpack) Fetching Jk to school, why?
Mark: Can you help this unfortunate kid, please?

He looked at me a bit confused while I was lying on the floor, prepared to be swallowed by my own floor. He slowly approached me, looking down on my defeated self, concerned.

Jin: Y/N, are you okay?
Y/N: I'm ready.
Jin: What?
Y/N: Take me, hell. There's no reason for me to live in this cruel and painful world.
Jin: Stop saying nonsense, no one's taking you. Not today, at least.

He lowered his upper body to grab my hands and lift me up, only to find me tossing myself again on the couch.

Jin: (To Mark) What's wrong with her? I've never seen her like this.
Mark & Lisa: Emotional problems.
Jin: Oh~. (To me, stroking my head) Are you tired?

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