Mixed Emotions.

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Y/N: *Sigh* Look, Jungkook: If you multiply these two, you'll get this and then after you divide the other two combined with previous results and multiplied by their summary, you'll get this right here. It's not that hard.
Jungkook: Speak for yourself. It feels as if you're talking in an alien language and trying to persuade me to learn it while still blabbering in your own language.
Y/N: (Rubbing my forehead & trying not to kill someone) I'm so done with you, I swear-
Taehyung: *Whine* Aah y/n-ie, palli (hurry up)~! I want to play with you~!
Y/N: Wait TaeTae I need to deal with this one first.
Taehyung: *Annoyed* Ugh~ Jungkook-ah hurry up!
Jungkook: I'm trying, alright?
Y/N: Let me explain again: You take these numbers and multiply them-

Blah blah blah... Same dumb crap over and over again makes me wanna punch somebody in the face real hard... 

Y/N: Here. Any questions?
Jungkook: ... No...
Jungkook: I don't even know what am I supposed to ask.

I rashly stood up from the chair, completely done with this creature called Jeon Jungkook.

Y/N: I'll call Namjoon.
Jungkook: No wait, please! Y/N help me~! 
Y/N: I said I'll call Joon.
Jungkook: But I don't want Namjoon hyung () to help me!
Y/N: And I didn't want to play student- teacher either yet here I am.
Taehyung: Was.
Y/N: (Correcting myself) Was.
Jungkook: But Namjoon said if I'll call him one more time today about my math assignment he'll disband from the group.
Y/N: Yeah, I can see why he'd do that.
Jungkook: And no one else is as good at math as you and him. *Begging* Please y/n, you're my only hope.
Taehyung: Please say no, y/n.

We were both done with him. I could see Taehyung begging me, ready to fall on his knees only to say no to Jungkook. And to be honest, I really want to do that and make him fail... But I'd feel too guilty for not helping him out and then I'd have to take responsibility later.

Y/N: *Exhale* Sorry Tae. Ten more minutes, okay?
Taehyung: Ugh fine. Not like you always treated me well anyway.
Y/N: Don't be mad at me, please. I'll buy you something as an apology.
Taehyung: Hmph. I'll think about it.

Though even while helping him, I was distracted and after a while, even I didn't understand what nonsense was I spitting out.

Y/N: '"... Could I be starting falling for you?"... Nah, that's definitely not true... Is it? I don't think I like him that way... Brother, yes! I like him as a brother! That's why I think of him that way. Yeah, that must be it, brother...'
Y/N: And then you multiply it with two brothers after you divide the falling as you combine the nah...
Jungkook: ... What?
Taehyung: Pfft!

I didn't realize what I was talking about, but when I finally came back to the real world after hearing Taehyung crying on the floor from all the laughter and Kookie's confused expression, I realized I said nothing good nor normal.

Taehyung: *Laughing* Looks like you're now the one who got distracted!
Jungkook: *Concerned* Are you okay, noona (누나)? Are you sick?
Y/N: No, I'm completely fine. I just dozed off for a bit.
Jungkook: You should rest more right now. Go. I'll figure it out myself.
Y/N: Okay then, thanks, Kookie.
Jungkook: *Smile* No problem.
Taehyung: Finally! Let's go then, y/n!
Y/N: Wait but-

He suddenly grabbed my wrist as he pulled me up before I could say anything. I turned around to Jungkook and waved at him as I said bye. He waved back, but he seemed a bit lost, there was something off about him... I'm worried.

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